نتایج جستجو

Selected works of Giuseppe Peano translated from the Italian
Giuseppe Peano, 1973
Selected works of Giuseppe Peano translated from the Italian
Giuseppe Peano, 1973
Zhuangzi. 1
translated by Wang Rongpei., 1999.
Bilingualism or Not: The Education of Minorities (Multilingual Matters)
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Translated by Lars Malmberg, 1981
Process-based Strategic Planning: Translated from German by Anthony Clark
Professor Rudolf Grünig, 2008
Graphic design, translated = Le language du graphisme
Peter J Wolf, 2010
Graphic Design, Translated: A Visual Directory of Terms for Global Design
Peter J Wolf, 2010
The Ascetic Life & The Four Centuries on Charity
St. Maximus the Confessor (translated, 1955
Beowulf and its analogues
translated by G.N. Garmonsway, 1968
Bhasha Parichheda with Siddhanta Muktavali (Translated into English by Swami Madhavananda)
Visvanatha Nyaya-Pancanana, 1977
The Song of Roland
Translated by C.K. Moncrief, 2006
The chalk circle, translated by Ethel van der Veer
van der Veer, 2001
Czechoslovak Political Prisoners : Life Stories of 5 Male and 5 Female Victims of Stalinism
Tomas Bouska, Klara Pinerova(translated to English by Kamila Novakova
Rāma the steadfast : an early form of the Rāmāyaṇa
translated by John, 2006.
Commentary on the Book of Job (Expositio Super Iob ad Litteram)
Thomas Aquinas (translated by Brian Mulladay