نتایج جستجو

Foundations of Electrodynamics
S.R. de Groot and L.G. Suttorp (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam), 1972
Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, 2015
River Mechanics ( Cambridge University Press )
Pierre Y. Julien, 2002
River Mechanics ( Cambridge University Press )
Pierre Y. Julien, 2002
Critical Phenomena: Proceedings of the Summer School Held at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa January 18–29, 1982
Michael E. Fisher (auth.), F. J. W. Hahne (eds.), 1983
Coping with Stress at University: A Survival Guide
Stephen Palmer, Angela Puri, 2006
Enhancing University Teaching: Lessons from Research into Award-Winning Teachers
Kember McNaught, 2007
Teaching about the Holocaust: Essays by College and University Teachers
Samuel Totten, Paul R. Bartrop, Steven Leonard Jacobs, 2004
Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Handbook For Teachers
Cambridge University
A Nestorian Collection of Christological Texts, Volume 1: Syriac Texts (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 18)
Luise Abramowski, Alan E. Goodman, 1972
A Nestorian Collection of Christological Texts, Volume 2: Introduction, Translations, Indexes (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 19)
Luise Abramowski, Alan E. Goodman, 1972
Automorphic Forms and Zeta Functions: Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa Rikkyo University
Siegfried Bocherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato, 2006
Faulkner at 100: Retrospect and Prospect : Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1997
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference (24th : 1997 : University of Mississippi), Ann J. Abadie, 2000
Formal Aspects of Measurement: Proceedings of the BCS-FACS Workshop on Formal Aspects of Measurement, South Bank University, London, 5 May 1991
Tim Denvir, Rosalind Herman, Robin Whitty, 1992
Radiation Health Risk Sciences: Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Nagasaki University Global COE Program ''Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control''
Masahiro Nakashima, Shunichi Yamashita, Yuji Nagayama, Kunihiro Tsukasaki, Noboru Takamura, 2008
Real and Complex Singularities: Proceedings of the Australian-Japanese Workshop, University of Sydney, Australia, 5-8 September 2005
Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Toshizumi Fukui, Satoshi Koike, 2007
Strings Mm: Proceedings of the 2000 International Superstrings Conference, University of Michigan
Michael J. Duff, James T. Liu, Jianxin Lu, 2001
(Re)Discovering University Autonomy: The Global Market Paradox of Stakeholder and Educational Values in Higher Education
Romeo V. Turcan, John E. Reilly, Larisa Bugaian (eds.), 2016
Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics the
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Gynecology, Kimberly B. Fortner, Linda Szymanski, Harold E. Fox, Edward E. Wallach, 2006