نتایج جستجو

Darius in the Shadow of Alexander
Pierre Briant, Jane Marie Todd, 2015
O céu é de verdade
Todd Burpo; Lynn Vincent, 2014
Design Sprint: A Practical Guidebook for Building Great Digital Products
Richard Banfield; C. Todd Lombardo; Trace Wax, 2015
Everyday Life of the Barbarians: Goths, Franks and Vandals
Malcolm Todd, 1972
You vs You 12 Ways to Kick Your Own Ass and Win
Todd Cahill, 2019
Nobody: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond
Marc Lamont Hill, Todd Brewster, 2016
Où en sommes-nous ? Une esquisse de l’histoire humaine
Emmanuel Todd, 2017
The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (Yale Nota Bene)
Denney, Reuel; Gitlin, Todd; Glazer, Nathan; Riesman, David, 2001
Development of Self-Determination Through the Life-Course
Michael L. Wehmeyer, Karrie A. Shogren, Todd D. Little, Shane J. Lopez, 2017
Θάνατος : Αντιμέτωποι με τη θνητότητά μας
Todd May & Σπύρος Κουρούκλης, 2016
Watching Television: A Pantheon Guide to Popular Culture
Todd Gitlin, 1986
Our practices, our selves, or, What it means to be human
May, Todd, 2001
Empire of Borders: How the US is Exporting its Border Around the World
Todd Miller, 23 July 2019
Who Wrote the Beatle Songs? A History of Lennon—McCartney
Todd M. Compton, 20 May 2017
Breve storia dell’umanità. Dall’homo sapiens all’homo oeconomicus
Emmanuel Todd, 2019
Guide to the Business Process Management Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK) Version 3.0
Tony Benedict, Nancy Bilodeau,Phil Vitkus, Emmett Powell, Dan Morris, Marc Scarsig, Denis Lee, Gabrielle Field, Todd Lohr, Raju Saxena, Michael Fuller, Jose Furlan, 2013
The Political Economy Of Terrorism
Walter Enders, Todd Sandler, 2011