نتایج جستجو

Eğitim, Üniversite, YÖK ve Aydınlar
Sibel Özbudun, Temel Demirer, 2023
Pottery from the University of California, Berkeley Excavations in the Area of the Maški Gate MG22, Nineveh, 1989-1990
Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson, Stephen Lumsden, 2022
The Proceedings of the 19th Annual History of Medicine Days Conference 2010 : The University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, Alberta, Canada
Frank W. Stahnisch, Kelsey Lucyck, Frank W. Stahnisch, 2013
Dalit Activism, Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru University in India
Abhay Kumar, 2017
辩证唯物主义 历史唯物主义 试用讲义 下册 武汉大学哲学系编 1973
武汉大学哲学系, 1973
The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2009
Annette Merz, Teun Tieleman, 2012
Human Communication: University of Central Florida
Judy C. Pearson; Paul E. Nelson; Scott Titsworth; Lynn Harter; Jeff Butler; Stephen Ihde; Jim Katt; Burt Pryor, 2021
Education - an anatomy of the discipline : rescuing the university project?
John Furlong, 2013
Current Research in Egyptology 2021: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Symposium, University of the Aegean, 9-16 May 2021
Electra Apostola (editor), Christos Kekes (editor), 2022
Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society: EURECA-PRO The European University for Responsible Consumption and Production
José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Paula García-Llamas, Ángela Taboada, Laura Estévez-Mauriz, Roberto Baelo, 2023
Lavagem Cerebral: Como as universidades doutrinam a juventude
Ben Shapiro, 2020
Zadatci za upis na Medicinski fakultet Sveucilišta u Zagrebu
Jasna Lovrić(ed.), 2021
The Alternative University: Lessons from Bolivarian Venezuela
Mariya Ivancheva, 2023
Integrated Project Design: From Academia to the AEC Industry
Bárbara Rangel, Ana Sofia Guimarães, Jorge Moreira da Costa , João Pedro Poças Martins, 2023
Back to the University's Future: The Second Coming of Humboldt
Steve Fuller, 2023
Coherence and Quantum Optics: Proceedings of the Third Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics held at the University of Rochester, June 21–23, 1972
E. L. Hahn (auth.), Leonard Mandel, Emil Wolf (eds.), 1973
Coherence and Quantum Optics VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, held at the University of Rochester, June 7–10, 1995
J.H. Eberly (editor), L. Mandel (editor), E. Wolf (editor), 2013