نتایج جستجو

Taste of Control: Food and the Filipino Colonial Mentality under American Rule
René Alexander D. Orquiza, 2020
Suicidal Behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Dependence
Leo Sher; Alexander Vilens, 2010
Showtime!: Standing Ovations für Ihre Präsentation - Menschen begeistern, überzeugen und bewegen
Oliver Alexander Kellner, 2005
Dynamics of Tethered Satellite Systems
Vladimir S Aslanov, Alexander S Ledkov, 2012
Öffentliche Bauaufträge: Nationale Vergabeleitlinien kompakt
Alexander Malkwitz; Christian K. Karl; Ramona Jaron, 2008
Reinventing Rural : New Realities in an Urbanizing World
Gregory M. Fulkerson; Aimee Vieira; Alexander R. Thomas; Leanne M. Avery; Stephanie Bennett; Matthew Clement; Michael W. P. Fortunato; Carrie L. Kane; Laura McKinney; Gene L. Theodori, 2016
Western Higher Education in Asia and the Middle East : Politics, Economics, and Pedagogy
Kevin Gray; Michael Gow; Hassan Bashir; Stephen Keck; Bryan Alexander; Adeela Arshad-Ayaz; Fatima Badry; Thorsten Botz-Bornstein; Janel Curry; Boufeldja Ghiat, 2016
Hagriographica Cypria
J. Noret (editor), P. Van Deun (editor), Alexander monachus, 1993
NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism : Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism
Alexander Moens; Lenard J. Cohen; Allen G. Sens; Art Eggleton, 2003
Here, Right Matters
Alexander Vindman, 2021
The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Larry Steinbrenner (editor), Alexander Geurds (editor), Geoffrey G. McCafferty (editor), Silvia Salgado (editor), 2021
R. Alexander, 1990
Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem: Solution of a Millennium Problem
Alexander G. Ramm, 2023
Jahrbücher für die Deutsche Armee und Marine / Januar bis Juni 1907
August Justus Alexander Keim, 1907
Listening for Managers: How to Lead More Effectively Through Good Listening Skills
Alexander Häfner, Sophie Hofmann, 2023
The Happiness Toolkit: The Secrets of Success, Fulfilment and Finding Your True Self
Alexander Butler, 2023
The Federalist Papers
Hamilton, Alexander; Madison, James; Jay, John, 2017
Riding Lucifer's Line : Ranger Deaths Along the Texas-Mexico Border
Bob Alexander; Byron Johnson, 2013
Iconoclasm, Identity Politics and the Erasure of History
Alexander Adams, 2020
Telling Stories with Data With Applications in R
Rohan Alexander, 2023
The Little Book of Alexander McQueen: The story of the iconic brand
Karen Homer, 2023
Between Heschel and Buber : A Comparative Study
Alexander Even-Chen; Ephraim Meir; Ephraim Meir, 2012
Russia Against Modernity
Alexander Etkind, 2023