نتایج جستجو

Digital Lives in the Global City: Contesting Infrastructures
Deborah Cowen (editor), Alexis Mitchell (editor), Emily Paradis (editor), Brett Story (editor), 2020
The Shock of the Global: The 1970s in Perspective
Niall Ferguson (editor), Charles S. Maier (editor), Erez Manela (editor), Daniel J. Sargent (editor), 2010
Why the World Needs Anthropologists
Dan Podjed (editor), Meta Gorup (editor), Pavel Borecký (editor), Carla Guerrón Montero (editor), 2020
The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place
Sarah De Nardi (editor), Hilary Orange (editor), Steven High (editor), Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto (editor), 2019
Handbook of hematologic malignancies
MD Ling Zhang (editor); Ateefa Chaudhury (editor); Johnny Nguyen (editor); David A. Sallman (editor), 2021
The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science
David Tyfield (editor), Rebecca Lave (editor), Samuel Randalls (editor), Charles Thorpe (editor), 2017
Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services
Marion Potschin (editor), Roy Haines-Young (editor), Robert Fish (editor), R. Kerry Turner (editor), 2016
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual
Risto Uro (editor), Juliette J. Day (editor), Richard E. DeMaris (editor), Rikard Roitto (editor), 2018
Laboratory Astrochemistry: From Molecules through Nanoparticles to Grains
Stephan Schlemmer (editor); Thomas Giesen (editor); Harald Mutschke (editor); Cornelia Jäger (editor), 2015
Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Environmental and Civil Engineering
Dilber Uzun Ozsahin (editor), Hüseyin Gökçekuş (editor), Berna Uzun (editor), James LaMoreaux (editor), 2021
Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences
Robert Wilkins (editor), Simon Cross (editor), Ian Megson (editor), David Meredith (editor), 2011
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms: Recent Advances in Natural Computing and Biomedical Applications
Aditya Khamparia (editor), Ashish Khanna (editor), Nhu Gia Nguyen (editor), Bao Le Nguyen (editor), 2021
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Commentary
Christopher Kuner (editor), Lee A. Bygrave (editor), Christopher Docksey (editor), Laura Drechsler (editor), 2020
Dermatoethics: Contemporary Ethics and Professionalism in Dermatology
Lionel Bercovitch (editor), Clifford S. Perlis (editor), Benjamin K. Stoff (editor), Jane M. Grant-Kels (editor), 2020
Ultrasound Fundamentals: An Evidence-Based Guide for Medical Practitioners
Jinlei Li (editor), Robert Ming-Der Chow (editor), Nalini Vadivelu (editor), Alan David Kaye (editor), 2021
Engendering Climate Change: Learnings from South Asia
Asha Hans (editor), Nitya Rao (editor), Anjal Prakash (editor), Amrita Patel (editor), 2021
Dopamine Handbook
Leslie Iversen (editor), Susan Iversen (editor), Stephen Dunnett (editor), Anders Bjorklund (editor), 2009
Russian Women, 1698-1917: Experience and Expression, An Anthology of Sources
Robin Bisha (editor), Jehanne M Gheith (editor), Christine C. Holden (editor), William G. Wagner (editor), 2002
Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence
Dionysis Bochtis (editor), Charisios Achillas (editor), Georgios Banias (editor), Maria Lampridi (editor), 2020
After Discourse: Things, Affects, Ethics
Bjørnar J. Olsen (editor); Mats Burström (editor); Caitlin DeSilvey (editor); Þóra Pétursdóttir (editor), 2021
Mysterium salutis. Lessico dei teologi del secolo ventesimo
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), Piersandro Vanzan (editor),Hans Jürgen Schultz (editor), 2018
Atlante culturale del Risorgimento. Lessico del linguaggio politico dal Settecento all'Unità
Alberto Mario Banti (editor), Antonio Chiavistelli (editor), Luca Mannori (editor), Marco Meriggi (editor), 2011
Reforming Education and Challenging Inequalities in Southern Contexts: Research and policy in international development
Pauline Rose (editor); Madeleine Arnot (editor); Roger Jeffery (editor); Nidhi Singal (editor), 2021
Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice
DeAnne Zwicker (editor); Marie Boltz (editor); Liz Capezuti (editor); Terry T. Fulmer (editor), 2021