نتایج جستجو

Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, Countermeasures
Peter Thermos, Ari Takanen, 2007
Business and the State in Contemporary Russia
Peter Rutland, 2000
Courts And Transition In Russia: The Challenge Of Judicial Reform
Peter H., Jr.'' Solomon, Todd Foglesong, 2000
Regional Peacekeepers: The Paradox of Russian Peacekeeping
John MacKinlay, Peter Cross, 2003
3D Cadastre in an International Context: Legal, Organizational, and Technological Aspects
Jantien E. Stoter, Peter van Oosterom, 2006
A concise history of economic thought
Gianni Vaggi, Peter Groenewegen, 2006
SABR and SABR LIBOR Market Models in Practice: With Examples Implemented in Python
Christian Crispoldi, Gérald Wigger, Peter Larkin, 2016
There's Always Something to Do: The Peter Cundill Investment Approach
Christopher Risso-Gill, 2011
Emissions Trading and Business
Ralf Antes, Bernd Hansjurgens, Peter Letmathe, 2006
Emissions Trading: Institutional Design, Decision Making and Corporate Strategies
Joseph Kruger (auth.), Ralf Antes, Bernd Hansjürgens, Peter Letmathe (eds.), 2008
European fixed income markets
Jonathan A. Batten, Thomas A. Fetherston, Peter G. Szilagyi, 2004
Trading Down: Africa, Value Chains, And The Global Economy
Peter Gibbon, Stefano Ponte, 2005
10 Easy Lessons - Blues Harmonica (10 Easy Lessons Learn to Play)
Peter Gelling, 1993
A Companion to Mexican Studies (Monografias A)
Peter Standish, 2006
Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 3rd Edition
Steven D. Peterson, Peter E. Jaret, Barbara Findlay Schenck, 2010
From Expert Student to Novice Professional
Anna Reid, Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren, Lars Owe Dahlgren, Peter Petocz, 2011
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: International Conference, AH 2000 Trento, Italy, August 28–30, 2000 Proceedings
Elisabeth André (auth.), Peter Brusilovsky, Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava (eds.), 2000
Advanced Database Systems: 10th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 10 Aberdeen, Scotland, July 6–8, 1992 Proceedings
Michael L. Brodie (auth.), Peter M. D. Gray, Rob J. Lucas (eds.), 1992
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004, Madrid, Spain, August 30 - September 2, 2004. Proceedings
Agnar Aamodt (auth.), Peter Funk, Pedro A. González Calero (eds.), 2004
Advances in Computer Graphics: 24th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2006, Hangzhou, China, June 26-28, 2006. Proceedings
Monssef Alsweis, Oliver Deussen (auth.), Tomoyuki Nishita, Qunsheng Peng, Hans-Peter Seidel (eds.), 2006
Advances in Database Technology — EDBT '96: 5th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Avignon, France, March 25–29, 1996 Proceedings
Ramakrishnan Srikant, Rakesh Agrawal (auth.), Peter Apers, Mokrane Bouzeghoub, Georges Gardarin (eds.), 1996
Advances in Database Technology — EDBT 2000: 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Konstanz, Germany, March 27–31, 2000 Proceedings
Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi (auth.), Carlo Zaniolo, Peter C. Lockemann, Marc H. Scholl, Torsten Grust (eds.), 2000
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 8th East European Conference, ADBIS 2004, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, 2004. Proceedings
Peter Revesz (auth.), András Benczúr, János Demetrovics, Georg Gottlob (eds.), 2004