نتایج جستجو

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 3
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 4
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 5
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 6
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 7
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 8
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume 9
Hari Singh Nalwa, Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, 2004
Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology Concise Edition
Hari Singh Nalwa, 2001
Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
Hari Singh Nalwa, 2001
Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology
Hari Singh Nalwa, 2002
Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology III (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings)
Sanjay Mathur, Mrityunjay Singh, 2009
Arctic Pipeline Planning. Design, Construction, and Equipment
Ramesh Singh (Auth.), 2013
12th INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12 th International Ceramics Congress, part of CIMTEC 2010- 12 th International Ceramics Congress and 5th Forum on New Materials Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010 PART J including: Symposium CM – Disclosing Materials at Nanoscale Symposium CN – Advanced Inorganic Fibre Composites for Structural & Thermal Management Applications
Edited by Pietro VINCENZINI World Academy of Ceramics and National Research Council, Italy Co-edited by Maurizio FERRARI CNR-IFN, Italy Mrityunjay SINGH NASA Glenn Research Center, USA, 2010
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceesings,
Tatsuki Ohji, Mrityunjay Singh, Sanjay Mathur, Andrew L. Gyekenyesi, Michael Halbig, 2015
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials III (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings)
Tatsuki Ohji, Mrityunjay Singh, 2009
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials V: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
Tatsuki Ohji, Mrityunjay Singh, 2011
Advances in Joining of Ceramics: Proceedings of the symposium held at the 104th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 28-May1, 2002 in ... Transactions (Ceramic Transactions Series)
Charles A. Lewinsohn, Mrityunjay Singh, Ronald Loehman, 2003
Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies II: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 241
Josef Matyáš, Tatsuki Ohji, Xingbo Liu, M. Parans Paranthaman, Ram Devanathan, Kevin Fox, Mrityunjay Singh, Winnie Wong‐Ng(eds.), 2013
Best Management Practices for Drip Irrigated Crops
Kamal Gurmeet Singh, Megh R. Goyal, Ramesh P. Rudra, 2015
Active Cancellation of Probing in Linear Dipole Phased Array
Hema Singh, N. Bala Ankaiah, Rakesh Mohan Jha (auth.), 2015
Enzyme-Catalyzed Synthesis Of Polymers
Shiro Kobayashi, Helmut Ritter, David Kaplan, D.L. Kaplan, S. Kobayashi, S. Matsumura, M. Ohmae, M. Reihmann, H. Ritter, A. Singh, H. Uyama, P. Xu, 2009
Entropy Theory in Hydraulic Engineering: An Introduction
Ph.D., P.E. Vijay P. Singh, 2014