نتایج جستجو

Sola a presidiare la fortezza. Lettere
Flannery O'Connor, Sally Fitzgerald (editor), Ottavio Fatica (editor), 2012
Orphan Black: Performance, Gender, Biopolitics
Andrea Goulet (editor), Robert A. Rushing (editor), 2019
Psychiatry and the Legacies of Eugenics: Historical Studies of Alberta and Beyond
Frank W. Stahnisch (editor); Erna Kurbegović (editor), 2020
Razón pública y éticas aplicadas : los caminos de la razón prácticas en una sociedad pluralista
Domingo García Marzá (editor); Adela Cortina (editor), 2003
The Future of Ocean Regime-Building
Ted McDorman, Susan Rolston, Ted L. McDorman (editor), Susan J. Rolston (editor), 2009
Analyzing the Role of Citizen Science in Modern Research
Luigi Ceccaroni (editor), Jaume Piera (editor), 2016
Гује и јакрепи : књижевност, култура
Лидија Делић (editor); Мирјана Детелић (editor), 2012
Fathers, Fathering, and Fatherhood: Queer Chicano/Mexicano Desire and Belonging
Adelaida R. Del Castillo (editor), Gibrán Güido (editor), 2021
The Shakespearean International Yearbook 18: Special Section: Soviet Shakespeare
Tom Bishop (editor), Alexa Alice Joubin (editor), 2020
Foucault’s Theatres
Tony Fisher (editor), Kélina Gotman (editor), 2019
Writing Architectures: Ficto-Critical Approaches
Hélène Frichot (editor), Naomi Stead (editor), 2020
The 1930s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction
Luke Seaber (editor), Elinor Taylor (editor), 2021
Many Mahābhāratas
Nell Shapiro Hawley (editor), Sohini Sarah Pillai (editor), 2021
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law
Peter M. Tiersma (editor), Lawrence M. Solan (editor), 2012
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers
Richard B. Lee (editor), Richard Daly (editor), 2000
La voce incomparabile del silenzio
Andrea Emo, Massimo Donà (editor), Raffaella Toffolo (editor), 2013
Data Science: Theory, Analysis and Applications
Qurban A Memon (editor), Shakeel Ahmed Khoja (editor), 2019
Genova 2001-2021. L'agguato. Le testimonianze dal libro bianco
Marco Grispigni (editor), Anna Pizzo (editor), 2021
Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right
Wendy Doniger (Editor), Martha C. Nussbaum (Editor), 2015
Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right
Wendy Doniger (Editor), Martha C. Nussbaum (Editor), 2015
Bourdieu und Luhmann ein Theorienvergleich
Armin Nassehi (editor); Gerd Nollmann (editor), 2016
Neohablantes de lenguas minorizadas en el Estado español
Estibaliz Amorrortu (editor); Fernando F. Ramallo (editor), 2019
Tendencias y perspectivas en el estudio de la morfosintaxis histórica hispanoamericana
Viorica Codita (editor); Mariela de la Torre (editor), 2021
Ancient Information on Persia Re-Assessed: Xenophon's Cyropaedia: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Marburg in Honour of Christopher Tuplin, December 1-2, 2017
Bruno Jacobs (editor); Robert Rollinger (editor), 2020