نتایج جستجو

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Joy of Christmas
Amy Newmark, 2016
Simply Cards Papercraft 2016-115
Amy Gray, 2016
Simply Cards Papercraft 2016-154
Amy Gray, 2016
Google’s Pagerank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings
Amy N. Langville; Carl D. Meyer, 2006
Cardmaking Stamping and Papercraft 2017-10
Amy Butler, 2017
Forget "Having It All": How America Messed Up Motherhood--and How to Fix It
Amy Westervelt, 2018
The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought
Clayton Chin, Amy Allen, 2018
Washington, DC
Lonely Planet,Karla Zimmerman, Virginia Maxwell, Amy C Balfour, 2018
Marginal Voices: Studies in Converso Literature of Medieval and Golden Age Spain
Amy Aronson-Friedman, Gregory B Kaplan, 2012
I Still Believe Anita Hill
Amy Richards; Cindy Greenberg; Cynthia Greenberg; Jamia Wilson, 2012
Sick Girl
Amy Silverstein, 2007
Hidden History of Detroit
Amy Elliott Bragg, 2011
Making Literature Now
Amy Hungerford, 2016
Yes Please
Amy Poehler, 2014
Middle East Historiographies: Narrating the Twentieth Century
Israel Gershoni; Amy Singer, 2006
Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace, 靳婷婷, 2015
Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles
Jessica Burkhart; Kami Garcia; Ellen Hopkins; Maureen Johnson; E. Kristin Anderson; Megan Kelley Hall; Cynthia Hand; Francisco X. Stork; Cindy L. Rodriguez; Hannah Moskowitz; Scott Neumyer; Lauren Oliver; Francesca Lia Block; Tara Kelly; Aprilynne Pike; Tom Pollack; Amy Reed; Candace Ganger; Kelly Fiore-Stultz; Sarah Fine; Rachel M. Wilson; Sara Zarr; Wendy Tolliver; Robison Wells; Dan Wells; Kim McCreight; Melissa Marr; Amber Benson; Bennett Madison; Jennifer L. Armentrout; Cyn Balog; Crissa-Je, 2018
Georgia & the Carolinas
Lonely Planet, Amy C Balfour, Kevin Raub, Regis St Louis, Ashley Harrell, Greg Ward, Jade Bremner, MaSovaida Morgan, Trisha Ping, 2019
Embattled Freedom: Journeys Through the Civil War’s Slave Refugee Camps
Amy Murrell Taylor, 2018