نتایج جستجو

Business Processes for Business Communities: Modeling Languages, Methods, Tools
Frank Schönthaler, 2012
Languages of Art
Nelson Goodman, 1976
Landscape, Literature and English Religious Culture, 1660–1800: Samuel Johnson and Languages of Natural Description
Robert J. Mayhew (auth.), 2004
Teach Yourself Arabic (Teach Yourself Languages)
Jack Smart, 2003
The Word in Arabic (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics)
Giuliano Lancioni, 2011
The Word in Arabic (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics)
Giuliano Lancioni, 2011
ABKHAZIAN AND GEORGIAN LANGUAGES FOR THE LEARNERS with dictionary / აფხაზური და ქართული ენების შემსწავლელთათვის ლექსიკონითურთ
თეიმურაზ გვანცელაძე /Teimuraz Gvantseladte, 2003
Georgian Dictionary and Phrasebook (Caucasus Languages)
Nicholas Awde, 1997
The Afroasiatic Languages
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt, 2012
Handbook of Jewish Languages
Lily Kahn, 2015
The Languages of the Andes
Willem F. H. Adelaar, 2004
The Non-Bantu Languages of Kenya
Heine, 1980
The non-semitic languages of Ethiopia
Bender, 1976