نتایج جستجو

Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments
edited by Janusz Kacprzyk, 2008
Collected papers of G.H. Hardy; including joint papers with J.E. Littlewood and others
edited by a committee appointed by the London Mathematical Society, 1972
Chondrules and Their Origins
edited by Elbert A. King, 1983
The European Union and China, 1949-2008: Basic Documents and Commentary (China and International Economic Law, Volume 3)
Edited by Francis G. Snyder, 2009
Reinforcement Learning
Edited by: Cornelius Weber, Mark Elshaw
Природа фирмы / The Nature of the Firm. Origins, Evolution, and Development
Edited by Oliver E. Williamson, 2001
Reviews in Computational Chemistry
Edited by: Kenny B. Lipkowitz, 1998
Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory
H.; M. Barr; et al; Edited By A. Dold, 1969
The Mahatma and the Missionary: Selected Writings of Mohandas K. Gandhi
Mohandas K. Gandhi (Edited by Clifford Manshardt), 1949
AJS Review. Vol. 1 1976, Edited by Frank Talmage
Association For Jewish Studies, 1976
A laboratory of transpersonal history. Ukraine and recent ukrainian historiography.
Edited by G. Kasianov, 2009
From animals to animats 7 : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
edited by Bridget Hallam ... [et al.]., 2002.
Illicit Flows And Criminal Things: States, Borders, And the Other Side of Globalization (Tracking Globalization)
Edited by Willem van Schendel, 2005
Illicit Flows And Criminal Things: States, Borders, And the Other Side of Globalization (Tracking Globalization)
Edited by Willem van Schendel, 2005
Jane's fighting ships, 2004-2005
edited by Commodore Stephen Saunders RN., 2004.
Contemporary Namibia : the first landmarks of a post-apartheid society
edited by Ingolf Diener, 2001.
Rehabilitation of the Hand & Upper Limb
Edited by, Rosemary Prosser, MSc BApSc CHT,
Rehabilitation of the Hand & Upper Limb
Edited by, Rosemary Prosser, MSc BApSc CHT,, 2003
Bayesian Network
Edited by: Ahmed Rebai
Perception as Bayesian Inference
Edited by David C. Knill, 1996