نتایج جستجو

Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century
James W. Pellegrino and Margaret L. Hilton, Editors, 2012
Deep Learning: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning
Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, 2016
European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: Investigating the Triangle of Racial, Gender and Disability Discrimination
Dagmar Schiek and Anna Lawson (eds.), 2011
For better and for worse : welfare reform and the well-being of children and families
Duncan, Greg J.; Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay, 2004
The Roman Amphitheatre of Chester, Volume 1: the Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology
Tony Wilmott, Dan Garner, with contributions by Julian Baum [and 24 others] ; illustrations by John Vallender [and 6 others]., 2018
Standards and Their Stories: How Quantifying, Classifying, and Formalizing Practices Shape Everyday Life
Martha Lampland and Susan Leigh Star (eds.), 2009
Infirmity in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Social and Cultural Approaches to Health, Weakness and Care
Christian Krötzl, Katariina Mustakallio, Jenni Kuuliala, 2015