نتایج جستجو

PayPal Hacks: 100 Industrial-strength Tips and Tools
Shannon Sofield, 2004
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Informationsgewinnung und -verarbeitung für die Planung und Entwicklung neuer Industrieprodukte
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dres. h. c. Herwart Opitz, 1974
Complex Flows in Industrial Processes
G. Marrucci, 2000
Beyond World-Class Productivity: Industrial Engineering Practice and Theory
Shigeyasu Sakamoto (auth.), 2010
Angewandte Industrieökonomik : Theorien, Modelle, Anwendungen
Ulrich Blum, 2006
Fuzzy Logic Foundations and Industrial Applications
Ronald R. Yager (auth.), 1996
Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilisation: Utilisation of Agro-Residues
Erick J. Vandamme (auth.), 2009
Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilisation: Utilisation of Agro-Residues
Erick J. Vandamme (auth.), 2009
Electrocatalysis.. Computational, Experimental, and Industrial Aspects
Zinola C.F. (ed.), 2010
Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation
Peter B. Evans, 1995
Hermetic Pumps:: The Latest Innovations and Industrial Applications of Sealless Pumps.
Robert Neumaier, 1997
Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things
Alasdair Gilchrist (auth.), 2016