نتایج جستجو

Cuba and Revolutionary Latin America: An Oral History
Dirk Kruijt, 2017
Constructivism in Mathematics: An Introduction
Anne S. Troelstra, Dirk van Dalen, 1988
Green Business : An a-To-Z Guide
Nevin Cohen; Dirk Philipsen; Paul Robbins, 2011
Die Ausstattung des Doberaner Münsters: Kunst im Kontext
Gerhard Weilandt; Kaja von Cossart; Dirk Schumann, 2016
Erzähltheorie in mediävistischer Perspektive: Studienausgabe
Armin Schulz (editor); Manuel Braun (editor); Alexandra Dunkel (editor); Jan-Dirk Müller (editor), 2015
Religions Challenged by Contingency : Theological and Philosophical Approaches to the Problem of Contingency
Dirk-Martin Grube; Peter Jonkers, 2008
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht: Mit Online-Zugang zur Jura-Kartei-Datenbank
Dirk Ehlers (editor); Hermann Pünder (editor), 2015
Constructivism in Mathematics: An Introduction
Anne S. Troelstra, Dirk van Dalen, 1988
Computer-Based Diagnostics and Systematic Analysis of Knowledge
Dirk Ifenthaler (editor), Pablo Pirnay-Dummer (editor), Norbert M. Seel (editor), 2010
Begutachtung psychischer Störungen (German Edition)
Helmut Frister Dirk Olzen Frank Schneider, 2005
MR Cholangiopancreatography: Atlas with Cross-Sectional Imaging Correlation
L. van Hoe, Dirk Vanbeckevoort, Koen Mermuys, Werner van Steenbergen, 2005
International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures: SynerCrete’23 - Volume 2 (RILEM Bookseries, 44)
Agnieszka Jędrzejewska (editor), Fragkoulis Kanavaris (editor), Miguel Azenha (editor), Farid Benboudjema (editor), Dirk Schlicke (editor), 2023
Coffin Texts Word Index
Dirk van der Plas; Joris Frans Borghouts; J. F. Borghouts, 1998
Vascular Plant Taxonomy
Dirk R. Walters, 1977
Evolution and Popular Narrative (Critical Studies, 38)
Dirk Vanderbeke, 2019
Strukturierung und Datierung in der hethitischen Archäologie: Voraussetzungen, Probleme, neue Ansätze = Structuring and Dating in Hittite Archaeology: Requirements, Problems, New Approaches: Internationaler Workshop, Istanbul, 26-27. November 2004
Mielke, Dirk Paul; Schoop, Ulf-Dietrich; Seeher, Jürgen, 2006
International Management in Service Firms: Environments, Strategies and Operations
Dirk Klimkeit, Pengji Wang, Huiping Zhang, 2024
Cuba: Periodo Especial
José Bell Lara, Tania Caram León, Dirk Kruijt, Delia Luisa López García, 2017
Halmahera and Beyond: Social Science Research in the Moluccas
Leontine E. Visser; A.B. Lapian; Ch.F. van Fraassen; James N. Baker; Barbara Dix Grimes; Simonne Pauwels; Cécile Barraud; Haryo S. Martodirdjo; D.J. Nijland; Dirk Teljeur; Valerio Valeri; E.K.M. Masainambow, 1994