نتایج جستجو

Cognitive Synthesis Test
Pamela Pressley Abraham Psy. D., Lisa Anne Okoniewski Ph. D., Mark Lehman Ph. D. (auth.), 1987
Analog Signal Generation for Built-In-Self-Test of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits
Gordon W. Roberts, Albert K. Lu (auth.), 1995
Building a Successful Board-Test Strategy
Stephen Scheiber, 2001
Design and Test of Digital Circuits by Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata
Fabrizo Lombardi, Jing Huang, 2007
Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 1 - Deterioration processes and standard test
Christiane Maierhofer, Hans-Wolf Reinhardt and Gerd Dobmann
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Volume 1 - Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods
Maierhofer, Christiane; Reinhardt, Hans-Wolf; Dobmann, Gerd (Eds.), 2010
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures. Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods
C. Maierhofer, H-W. Reinhardt and G. Dobmann (Eds.), 2010
Report on nondestructive test methods for evaluation of concrete in structures
American Concrete Institute, 2013
GPS And Galileo Dual RF Front End Receiver And Design Fabrication And Test
Jaizki Mendizabal Samper, Juan Melendez Lagunilla, Roc Berenguer Perez, 2009
AngularJS Test-driven Development
Tim Chaplin, 2015
Accelerating Test, Validation and Debug of High Speed Serial Interfaces
Yongquan Fan, Zeljko Zilic (auth.), 2011
Accelerating Test, Validation and Debug of High Speed Serial Interfaces
Yongquan Fan, Zeljko Zilic (auth.), 2011
5 Steps to a 5 500 AP U.S. History Questions to Know by Test Day
Scott Demeter, Thomas A. - editor Evangelist, 2010
Theory of the Price Index: Fisher’s Test Approach and Generalizations
Wolfgang Eichhorn, Joachim Voeller (auth.), 1976
The Causal Structure of Long-Term Supply Relationships: An Empirical Test of a Generalized Transaction Cost Theory
Gjalt de Jong, Bart Nooteboom (auth.), 2000
Barron's TOEFL iBT Internet-Based Test, 2008, 12th edition
Pamela Sharpe Ph.D., 2006