نتایج جستجو

Working with Words: A Handbook for Media Writers and Editors , Seventh Edition
Brian S. Brooks, 2009
The Essential Sopranos Reader (Essential Readers in Contemporary Media)
David Lavery, 2011
Der Einsatz von Social Media in der Eventkommunikation: Dargestellt am Beispiel ausgewählter Marathonläufe
Katharina Kern (auth.), 2016
A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics: Global Patterns of Passage from Media to Politics
Nahuel Ribke (auth.), 2015
ANSIAWWA CB101-12 Precoat Filter Media
AWWA, 2013
The Ashgate Research Companion to Media Geography
Paul C. Adams, 2014
Ethics and the Media: An Introduction
Stephen J. A. Ward, 2011
Radical Media Ethics: A Global Approach
Stephen J. A. Ward, 2015
AdvancED Flex Application Development: Building Rich Media X
R. Blank, 2008
Head First Web Design
OReilly Media, 2008
Power of the News Media (Library in a Book)
Harry Henderson, 2004
Media scandals
Alan Bisbort, 2008
Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism
Paolo Gerbaudo, 2012
Associative Polymers in Aqueous Media
J. Edward Glass (Eds.), 2000
Icons of talk: the media mouths that changed America
Donna L. Halper, 2009
Graph-based social media analysis
Pitas, 2016
The Media in France
Raymond Kuhn, 1994
New media poetics : contexts, technotexts, and theories
Swiss, Thomas, 2006
New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories (Leonardo Books)
Adalaide Morris, 2006
Handbook of Porous Media
Kambiz Vafai, 2000