نتایج جستجو

Scientific examination of art : modern techniques in conservation and analysis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005
The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe: Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century (Amsterdam University Press - Leiden University Press Academic)
Willem B. Drees, Pieter Sjoerd Koningsveld, 2008
How to Scale-Up a Wet Granulation End Point Scientifically. Volume 1
Michael Levin PhD, 2015
Academic Nursing Practice: Helping to Shape the Future of Healthcare
Lois K. Evans DNScFAANRN, Norma M. Lang PhD FAAN FRCN, 2004
Planificacion Cientifica Del Marketing Scientific Planning of Marketing (Spanish Edition)
Oscar Horacio Cariola, 2003
The Academic/Practitioner Divide in Marketing. Myth or Reality
Ross Brennan, 2004
Perspectives on research with H5N1 avian influenza : scientific inquiry, communication, controversy : summary of a workshop
Kendall, Steven; Machett, Karin; Mazza, Anne-Marie, 2013
Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation: Essays in Honor of Merrilee and Wesley Salmon
Robert E. Butts (auth.), Maria Carla Galavotti, Alessandro Pagnini (eds.), 1999
Ovulation: Evolving Scientific and Clinical Concepts
Lawrence L. Espey (auth.), Eli Y. Adashi M.D. (eds.), 2000
Academic Pathfinders. Knowledge Creation and Feminist Scholarship
Patricia J. Gumport, 2009
Natural Gas Networks Performance After Partial Deregulation: Five Quantitative Studies (World Scientific Series on Energy and Resource Economics) (World ... Series on Energy and Resource Economics)
Paul MacAvoy, Vadim Marmer, Nickolay Moshkin, Dmitry Shapiro, 2007
Academic Tribes and Territories
Tony Becher,Paul Trowler, 2006
Writing scientific articles: strategy and steps
Cargill, Margaret ; O’Connor, Patrick, 2013
Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps
Cargill, O'Connor, 2009
Investigación y Ciencia 291 -DICIEMBRE 2000 291 DICIEMBRE
Pilar Bronchal Garfella, 2000
Revista Investigación y Ciencia 353 -FEBRERO 2006 353 FEBRERO
Scientific American, 2006
Revista Investigación y Ciencia: 331 -ABRIL 2004 331 ABRIL
Scientific American, 2004
Academic Discourse
John Flowerdew, 2001
The Scientific Conquest of Death
Michael R. Rose, Aubrey de Grey, Joao Pedro de Magalhaes, Michael D. West, Robert A. Freitas Jr., Raymond Kurzweil, William Sims Bainbridge, Marvin L. Minsky, Brian Wowk, Brad F. Mellon, Max More, Mike Treder, Eric S. Rabkin, Manfred Clynes, Shannon Vyff, Ben Best, Marc Geddes, 2004
Cosmic Time Travel: A Scientific Odyssey
Barry Parker, 2001