نتایج جستجو

J.D. Salinger (University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers)
James E. Miller Jr., 1968
University Engagement With Socially Excluded Communities
Paul Benneworth (auth.), 2013
University Governance: Western European Comparative Perspectives
Ewan Ferlie, 2009
University Records and Life in the Middle Ages
Lynn Thorndike, 1944
Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management: Proceedings of ESF Conference, Oxford University, 12–16 December 1998
Andrew Mitchell (auth.), 2001
Stand, Columbia: A History of Columbia University
Michele Aaron, 2003
The Urban University and its Identity: Roots, Location, Roles
Herman Van Der Wusten (auth.), 1998
Leprosy in China: A History (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University)
Angela Ki Che Leung, 2008
The Topography of Northwest Attica (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1966)
Colin Neil Edmonson, 1966
Heart and Mind: The Varieties of Moral Experience (University Paperbacks)
Mary Midgley, 1983
University libraries and space in the digital world
Graham Matthews, 2012