نتایج جستجو

External Labeling: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithmic Techniques (Synthesis Lectures on Visualization)
Michael A Bekos, Benjamin Niedermann, Martin Nöllenburg, 2021
A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and the Origins of the Arms Race
Martin J. Sherwin, 1987
Jews, Christians, Muslims: A Comparative Introduction to Monotheistic Religions
John Corrigan (editor), Frederick M. Denny, Carlos M.N. Eire, Martin S. Jaffee, 2011
Lady Gaga and Popular Music: Performing Gender, Fashion, and Culture
Martin Iddon, Melanie Marshall, 2013
Thor: Myth to Marvel
Martin Arnold, 2011
The Elderly: Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare Policy
Martin Lyon Levine (editor), 2009
International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
William Ted Martin, E.H. Spanier, G.Springer and P.J. Davis
Perú Debate: propuestas hacia un mejor gobierno 2021-2026. Documentos de política - versiones resumidas
Javier Portocarrero, Martín Tanaka, Cecilia Blondet, Iván Lanegra, Gustavo Yamada, Percy Medina, (Eds.), 2021
Perú Debate: propuestas hacia un mejor gobierno 2021-2026. Documentos de política - Informe completo
Javier Portocarrero, Martín Tanaka, Cecilia Blondet, Iván Lanegra, Gustavo Yamada, Percy Medina, (Eds.), 2021
The Science of Qualitative Research
Martin J. Packer, 2017
Confessions of a Union Buster
Martin J. Levitt, 1993
Pré-história do nordeste do Brasil
Gabriela Martin, 2013
Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Medicine
Martin Brüne and Wulf Schiefenhövel, 2019
Krankheit des Zeitalters oder heilsame Provokation? Skeptizismus in der nachkantischen Philosophie
Martin Bondeli, Jiří Chotaš, Klaus Vieweg (eds.), 2016
River Planet: Rivers from Deep Time to the Modern Crisis
Gibling, Martin, 2021
Timpul imaginii lumii (Die Zeit des Weltbildes)
Martin Heidegger, 1998
Practical Machine Learning for Computer Vision: End-to-End Machine Learning for Images
Valliappa Lakshmanan, Martin Görner, Ryan Gillard, 2021
Intimate Memory: Gender and Mourning in Late Imperial China
Huang, Martin W., 2018
Intimate Memory: Gender and Mourning in Late Imperial China
Martin W. Huang, 2018
Memoranda Latina
KEAN, Martin, 1931
Ecology and Evolution of Communities
Martin L. Cody; Robert H. MacArthur; Jared M. Diamond; Professor of Geography Jared Diamond
The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: The Power of a Networked Improvement Community to Transform Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation ... Educators (AMTE) Professional Book Series)
W. Gary Martin (editor), Brian R. Lawler (editor), Alyson E. Lischka (editor), Wendy M. Smith (editor), 2020
Q&A : Voices from Queer Asian North America
Martin Manalansan, Alice Y. Hom, Kale Bantigue Fajardo, David L. Eng, 2021