نتایج جستجو

Speech Communities - Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology
Marcyliena Morgan, 2014
Cyborg Selves: A Theological Anthropology of the Posthuman
Jeanine Thweatt-Bates, 2012
Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness
Lenore Manderson, Carolyn Smith-Morris (eds.), 2010
The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics
Niko Besnier, Susan Brownell, Thomas F. Carter, 2017
The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History
Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, Steven Lukes (eds.), 1985
The Anthropology of Ancient Greece
Louis Gernet, 1981
The Rise and Fall of the Amazon Rubber Industry: An Historical Anthropology
Stephen L Nugent, 2017
The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary Anthropology
Wolfgang Iser, 1993
The Anthropology of Education: Classic Readings
David Julian Hodges, 2011
Gastronomy: The Anthropology of Food and Food Habits
Margaret L. Arnott, 1975
The handbook of sociocultural anthropology
Carrier, James G.; Gewertz, Deborah B., 2016
Culture sketches : case studies in anthropology
Peters-Golden, Holly, 2012
Anthropology, Public Policy, and Native Peoples in Canada
Noel Dyck, James B. Waldram, 1993
Shari’a Scripts: A Historical Anthropology
Brinkley Messick, 2018
Digital Materialities: Design and Anthropology
Sarah Pink (Editor), Elisenda Ardevol (Editor), Dèbora Lanzeni (Editor), 2016
Our Origins: Discovering Physical Anthropology
Clark Spencer Larsen, 2017
Palaces of hope : the anthropology of global organizations
Niezen, Ronald; Sapignoli, Maria, 2017
Essentials of Physical Anthropology
Robert Jurmain, 2016
Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
James Peoples; Garrick Alan Bailey, 2014
Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
H. Russell Bernard, 2011