نتایج جستجو

Migration, Education and Translation: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Human Mobility and Cultural Encounters in Education Settings
Vivienne Anderson (editor), Henry Johnson (editor), 2019
On Being and Essence: A Translation and Interpretation
Thomas Aquinas; Joseph Bobik, 1988
The Gāthās of Zarathushtra and the Other Old Avestan Texts - Volume 1: Introduction, Text and Translation.
Helmut Humbach, Josef Ivory, Prods Oktor Skjærvø, 1991
The Essential Journey of Life and Death - Volume 2: Using Dream Yoga and Phowa as the Path
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche; Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche; Samye Translation Group, 2012
The Essential Journey of Life and Death - Volume 1: The Indestructible Nature of Body, Speech, and Mind
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche; Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche; Samye Translation Group, 2012
Islam and the State in Ibn Taymiyya: Translation and Analysis
Jaan S. Islam, Adem Eryiğit, 2022
Vices and Virtues, Being a Soul's Confession of its Sins, Part 1: Text and Translation
Ferdinand Holthausen (ed.), 1888
The Jerusalem Talmud: First Order - Zeraim, Tractates, Terumot and Ma'serot: Edition, Translation, and Commentary
Heinrich W. Guggenheimer (editor), 2002
Musaeus' Hero and Leander: Introduction, Greek Text, Translation and Commentary
Silvia Montiglio, 2022
Kural of Tiruvalluver: High-Tamil Text With Translation into Common Tamil and Latin (Tamil, Latin and English Edition)
Tiruvalluvar, Wilhelm Germann (editor), 2010
Zinoviy Otenskiy and the Trinitarian Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Russia: Introduction, Texts, and Translation
Viacheslav V Lytvynenko, Mikhail V Shpakovsky, 2023