نتایج جستجو

Optical Design for Biomedical Imaging (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM203)
Rongguang Liang, 2011
Field Guide to Radiometry (SPIE Press Field Guide FG23)
Barbara Grant, 2011
Off the Record: 25 Years of Music Street Press
Sean Sennett, 2011
Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Volume 2: Cryogenics (Aerospace Press)
Martin Donabedian, 2003
Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Volume 2: Cryogenics (Aerospace Press)
Martin Donabedian, 2003
The Women's Awakening in Egypt: Culture, Society, and the Press
Professor Beth Baron, 1994
Thinking Strategically
Harvard Business School Press, 2010
Thinking Strategically
Harvard Business School Press, 2010
Obelisk: A History of Jack Kahane and the Obelisk Press
Neil Pearson, 2008
Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones (Symbian Press)
Richard Harrison, 2007
U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike
National Academy Press, 2008
Sentinel Under Siege: The Triumphs And Troubles Of America's Free Press
Stanley E Flink, 1998
Oceanography and Mine Warfare 2000
Scientific Opportunities in the Human Exploration of Space
The Staff of National Academy Press, 1994
Numerical recipes in C
W. H. Press, 1988
Numerical recipes in C
Press W.H.
Numerical Recipes in C
William H. Press, 2002
Numerical recipes in C (program disc only)
Press W.H.