نتایج جستجو

Jesus Never Lived! Volume 2 Jesus and Plato on Hell
Laurence E. Dalton, Shirley Strutton Dalton, 2013
Platón ; Plato
Sourcebook for the history of the philosophy of mind : philosophical psychology from Plato to Kant
Knuuttila, Simo; Sihvola, Juha, 2013
Sourcebook for the history of the philosophy of mind : philosophical psychology from Plato to Kant
Knuuttila, Simo; Sihvola, Juha, 2013
Conjunctions of mind, soul and body from Plato to the Enlightenment
Kambaskovic, Danijela, 2014
Characteristics of the Greek Philosophers Socrates, Plato
John Philips Potter
Plato’s Moral Realism: The Discovery of the Presuppositions of Ethics
John M. Rist, 2012
Plato’s Apology of Socrates: A Commentary
Paul Allen Miller, Charles Platter, 2010
Knowledge and Truth in Plato: Stepping Past the Shadow of Socrates
Catherine Rowett, 2018
Plato as Critical Theorist
Jonny Thakkar, 2018
Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato’s Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy
Ariel Helfer, 2017
Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato’s Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy
Ariel Helfer, 2017
The Embodied Soul in Plato’s Later Thought
Chad Jorgenson, 2018
Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity
Harold Tarrant et al. (eds.), 2017
The Nature of Love, Vol. 1: Plato to Luther
Irving Singer, 1987
Theaetetus and Sophist
Plato; Christopher Rowe (ed.), 2015
Plato: Theaetetus and Sophist
Christopher Rowe, 2015
Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle
Marcelo D. Boeri, Yasuhira Y. Kanayama, Jorge Mittelmann (eds.), 2018
Plato’s Symposium: A Critical Guide
Pierre Destrée, Zina Giannopoulou, 2017
The Republic of Plato
Allan Bloom, Adam Kirsch, 2016
Plato and Xenophon: Comparative Studies
Gabriel Danzig, David Johnson, Donald Morrison (eds.), 2018