نتایج جستجو

A vida psíquica do poder: Teorias da sujeição
Judith Butler, 2017
Problemas de gênero: Feminismo e subversão da identidade
Judith Butler, 2018
Problemas de gênero: Feminismo e subversão da identidade
Judith Butler, 2018
Marcos de guerra: Las vidas lloradas
Butler Judith, 2017
Realizing Resilience in Trauma Exposed Juvenile Offenders: A Promising New Intervention for Juvenile Justice and Prevention Professionals
Thomas M. Kelley, Jack Pransky, Judith A. Sedgeman
The Political Philosophy of Judith Butler
Birgit Schippers, 2014
Judith Butler: From Norms to Politics
Moya Lloyd, 2007
Genetics and Genomics in Medicine
Tom Strachan, Judith Goodship and Patrick Chinnery, 2015
Global Africa: Into the Twenty-First Century
Dorothy Hodgson; Judith Byfield (eds.), 2017
Obesity : A Reference Handbook
Judith S. Stern; Alexandra Kazaks (eds.), 2015
The Unfinished System of Karl Marx
Judith Dellheim, Frieder Otto Wolf, 2018
Child Care Law for Health Professionals
Judith Hendrick, 2018
The Devil You Know: The crime they said "can’t happen here"
Judith A. Yates, 2013
No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality
Judith Rich Harris, 2007
Russia’s Far East: A Region at Risk
Judith Thornton and Charles E. Ziegler, 2002
What Gender Is, What Gender Does
Judith Roof, 2016
Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for Deep Relaxation
Judith Hanson Lasater, 2017
Lenas Liebe. Roman
Judith Kuckart, 2002
Pushing the digital frontier: insights into the changing landscape of e-business
Nirmal Pal, Judith M. Ray (editors), 2001
Apego adulto
Judith Feeney & Patricia Noller, 2001 (1996)
Laclau, Marx, and the Performative Power of Negation
Judith Butler, 2015
Soggetti di desiderio
Judith Butler, 2009
Gender in an urban world
Judith N. DeSena (editor), 2008