نتایج جستجو

Christ is God Over All: Romans 9:5 in the context of Romans 9-11
George Carraway, 2013
Water, Fire, Wind : The Elements of Following Christ
Bo Cassell, 2007
Deep-Rooted in Christ : The Way of Transformation
Joshua Choonmin Kang; Richard J. Foster, 2007
Baptism : An Important Step in Your Life with Christ
Jim Spruce, 2012
Jesus Christ: A Guide for Study and Devotion
Alister E. McGrath, 2014
Christ Within - Heaven on Earth
Kelly Marie Kerr
Seed of Satan: Antichrist (God or Satan, Christ or Antichrist?)
Kenneth McRae, 2021
The Presence of Christ in the Gathered Assembly
Judith M. Kubicki, 2006
Living Buddha, Living Christ
Thich Nhat Hanh, 2007
After Emmaus: How the Church Fulfills the Mission of Christ
Brian J. Tabb, 2021
The Roles of Christ's Humanity in Salvation: Insights from Theodore of Mopsuestia
Frederick G. McLeod, 2005
The Theology of Louis Massignon: Islam, Christ, and the Church
Christian S. Krokus, 2017
The One Christ: St. Augustine's Theology of Deification
David Vincent Meconi, 2013
The Beauty of Christ: A Philosophical Understanding of the Gospel
Enrique González Fernández, Harold C. Raley (tr.), 2011
Christ Our Hope: An Introduction to Eschatology
Paul O'Callaghan, 2011
The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas Joseph White, 2017
Salvation through Temptation: Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas on Christ's Victory over the Devil
Benjamin E. Heidgerken, 2021
Putting on Christ: Augustine's Early Theology of Salvation and the Sacraments
Ty Paul Monroe, 2022
Christ and Spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas
Jean-Pierre Torell, 2011
Aquinas on Transubstantiation: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Reinhard Hütter, 2019
Jesus Christ: His Life, His Teaching, and His Work (vols. 1 & 2)
Prat, Ferdinand, S.J. & Heenan, John J., S.J., 1950