نتایج جستجو

Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
Badi H. Baltagi, 2021
The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia
Katherine Brickell and Simon Springer, 2017
The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia
Katherine Brickell and Simon Springer, 2017
An Analysis of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
Nikki Springer, 2017
Springer Handbook of Acoustics
Thomas D. Rossing (eds.), 2014
Design Criteria for Low Distortion in Feedback Opamp Circuits (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 720)
Bjørnar Hernes, Trond Sæther, 2003
Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2020: Application of Nonlinear Dynamics from Interdisciplinary Perspective (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)
Şefika Şule Erçetin (editor), Şuay Nilhan Açıkalın (editor), Emir Vajzović (editor), 2021
Recent Developments in Stochastic Methods and Applications: ICSM-5, Moscow, Russia, November 23–27, 2020, Selected Contributions: 371 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 371)
Albert N. Shiryaev (editor), Konstantin E. Samouylov (editor), Dmitry V. Kozyrev (editor), 2021
International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
William Ted Martin, E.H. Spanier, G.Springer and P.J. Davis
Berlin wird Weltstadt
Robert Springer, 1868
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications: With R Examples (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer, 2017
Advanced Deep Learning for Engineers and Scientists: A Practical Approach (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Kolla Bhanu Prakash (editor), Ramani Kannan (editor), S.Albert Alexander (editor), G. R. Kanagachidambaresan (editor), 2021
Data Science for Public Policy (Springer Series in the Data Sciences)
Jeffrey C. Chen, Edward A. Rubin, Gary J. Cornwall, 2021
Received Signal Strength Based Target Localization and Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Satish R. Jondhale, R. Maheswar, Jaime Lloret, 2021
Advanced Deep Learning for Engineers and Scientists: A Practical Approach (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Kolla Bhanu Prakash (editor), Ramani Kannan (editor), S.Albert Alexander (editor), G. R. Kanagachidambaresan (editor), 2021
Practical Handbook on Agricultural Microbiology (Springer Protocols Handbooks)
Natarajan Amaresan (editor), Prittesh Patel (editor), Dhruti Amin (editor), 2021
Linear System Theory (Springer Texts in Electrical Engineering)
Frank M.Callier, 1991