نتایج جستجو

Die Identität der Organisation und die Organisation der Identität
Holger Herkle (auth.), 2012
Political Struggles and the Forging of Autonomous Government Agencies (Public Sector Organizations)
Cristopher Ballinas Valdés, 2011
Democracy at Large: NGOs, Political Foundations, Think Tanks and International Organizations
Boris Petric (eds.), 2012
Geography - Worldmark Encyclopedia Of The Nations - United Nations
Gale Group Staff, 2003
Организация обслуживания туристов / Tourism Service Organization
И. Бисько, 2010
Voluntary Agencies: Challenges of Organisation and Management
David Billis, 1996
Jobs and careers with nonprofit organizations: profitable opportunities with nonprofits
Ronald L. Krannich, 1999
Day Watch (Watch, Book 2)
Sergei Lukyanenko, 2007