نتایج جستجو

Beyond the Biophysical: Knowledge, Culture, and Politics in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Laura German, Ritu Verma, Joshua J. Ramisch (auth.), Laura A. German, Joshua J. Ramisch, Ritu Verma (eds.), 2010
California Agricultural Research Priorities: Pierce's Disease
Committee on California Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Research Council, 2004
Food Safety and Foodborne Disease Surveillance Systems: Proceedings of an Iranian-American Workshop
Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, National Research Council, Iran Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2006
Citizenship, Gender and Work: Social Organization of Industrial Agriculture
Robert J. Thomas, 1992
Argiculture Investment Sourcebook: Agriculture and Rural Development
The World Bank, 2005
Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance
Chedly Abdelly, Chedly Abdelly, Münir Öztürk, Muhammad Ashraf, Claude Grignon, 2008
Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation: Constructing the New Culture of Agriculture
C. Milton Coughenour, Shankariah Chamala, 2000
CPULs: Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities
Andre Viljoen, Joe Howe, Katrin Bohn, 2005
European Agriculture: Policies, Production and Trade
Brian Gardner, 1996
German Agriculture in Transition?: Society, Policies and Environment in a Changing Europe
Geoff A. Wilson, Olivia J. Wilson, 2001
GIS Applications in Agriculture
Francis J. Pierce, David Clay, 2007
Sustainable Agriculture in the Rice-Wheat System
Rattan Lal, Peter R. Hobbs, Norman Uphoff, 2004
Agriculture and Climate Beyond 2015: A New Perspective on Future Land Use Patterns (Environment & Policy)
Floor Brouwer (Editor), Bruce A. McCarl (Editor), 2006
Tourism and Agriculture: New Geographies of Consumption, Production and Rural Restructuring (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)
Rebecca Maria Torres, Janet Henshall Momsen, 2011
Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform In Developing Countries (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture)
B Van Koppen, M Giordano, J Butterworth, 2007
Redefining the role of government in agriculture for the 1990's, Parts 63-105
Odin Knudsen, John Nash, James Bovard, Bruce L. Gardner, L. Alan Winters, 1990
Agriculture: People and Policies
Graham Cox, Philip Lowe, Michael Winter (auth.), Graham Cox, Philip Lowe, Michael Winter (eds.), 1986
Agricultural Biotechnology: Strategies for National Competitiveness
Committee on a National Strategy for Biotechnology in Agriculture, National Research Council, 1998
Agriculture and Food Production
George G. Khachatourians and Dilip K. Arora (Eds.), 2002
Agriculture and Food Production
George G. Khachatourians and Dilip K. Arora (Eds.), 2001