نتایج جستجو

Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective: Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 16-18, 2009. Proceedings
Renate Motschnig, Tomáš Pitner (auth.), Miltiadis D. Lytras, Ernesto Damiani, John M. Carroll, Robert D. Tennyson, David Avison, Ambjörn Naeve, Adrian Dale, Paul Lefrere, Felix Tan, Janice Sipior, Gottfried Vossen (eds.), 2009
Amiloride-Sensitive Sodium Channels: Physiology and Functional Diversity
Dale J. Benos (Eds.), 1999
Disease Control in Crops: Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches
Dale Walters, 2009
Rapid Interpretation of EKG's
Dale B. Dubin
Rapid Interpretation of EKG's
Dale Dubin, 2000
Pro Tools for Film and Video
Dale Angell, 2009
After Putin's Russia: past imperfect, future uncertain
Stephen K. Wegren, Dale R. Herspring (editors), 2009
AD&D Abilità e Poteri
Douglas Niles, Dale A. Donovan, 1995
The Art of Public Speaking
J Berg 1867-1946 Esenwein, Dale Carnegie, 2010
A Companion to Philosophical Logic
Dale Jacquette (ed.), 2002
A Companion to Philosophical Logic
Dale Jacquette (ed.), 2002
A Companion to Philosophical Logic
Dale Jacquette, 2006
Dugard of Rouen: French Trade to Canada and the West Indies, 1729-1770
Dale Miquelon, 1978
Electrical Distribution Systems
Dale R. Patrick, 2009
Electrical power systems technology
Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo, 2008
Electrical Power Systems Technology, Second Edition
Dale Patrick, Stephen Fardo, 1996
Aeronautical radio communication systems and networks
Dale Stacey, 2007
Eating Fossil Fuels: Oil, Food and the Coming Crisis in Agriculture
Dale Allen Pfeiffer, 2006
Advancing Materials Research
Peter A. Psaras, H. Dale, 1987
Australian Saltmarsh Ecology
Neil Saintilan, Paul Adam, Rod Connelly, Pat Dale, Pia Laegdsgaard, 2009
Chemotaxis: Methods and Protocols
Tian Jin, Dale Hereld, 2016
Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe: The Story of Blue Babe
R. Dale Guthrie, 2013
Boundary Integral Equation Methods and Numerical Solutions: Thin Plates on an Elastic Foundation
Christian Constanda, Dale Doty, William Hamill (auth.), 2016
Climate Ethics: Essential Readings
Stephen Gardiner, Simon Caney, Dale Jamieson, Henry Shue, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, 2010