نتایج جستجو

Chinese Computational Linguistics: 21st China National Conference, CCL 2022, Nanchang, China, October 14–16, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Maosong Sun (editor), Yang Liu (editor), Wanxiang Che (editor), Yang Feng (editor), Xipeng Qiu (editor), Gaoqi Rao (editor), Yubo Chen (editor), 2022
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part IX (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Francesco Scorza (editor), Yeliz Karaca (editor), Carmelo M. Torre (editor), 2023
Die datafizierte Schule (German Edition)
Annekatrin Bock (editor), Andreas Breiter (editor), Sigrid Hartong (editor), Juliane Jarke (editor), Sieglinde Jornitz (editor), Angelina Lange (editor), Felicitas Macgilchrist (editor), 2023
Computational Collective Intelligence: 15th International Conference, ICCCI 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 27–29, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14162)
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (editor), János Botzheim (editor), László Gulyás (editor), Manuel Núñez (editor), Jan Treur (editor), Gottfried Vossen (editor), Adrianna Kozierkiewicz (editor), 2023
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 15th International Conference, ICIRA 2022, Harbin, China, August 1–3, 2022, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Honghai Liu (editor), Zhouping Yin (editor), Lianqing Liu (editor), Li Jiang (editor), Guoying Gu (editor), Xinyu Wu (editor), Weihong Ren (editor), 2022
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 13th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 24–26, 2020, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science)
Xuesong Ye (editor), Filipe Soares (editor), Elisabetta De Maria (editor), Pedro Gómez Vilda (editor), Federico Cabitza (editor), Ana Fred (editor), Hugo Gamboa (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14105)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Francesco Scorza (editor), Yeliz Karaca (editor), Carmelo M. Torre (editor), 2023
Recent Research on Hydrogeology, Geoecology and Atmospheric Sciences: Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 (Volume 1) (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
Haroun Chenchouni (editor), Helder I. Chaminé (editor), Zhihua Zhang (editor), Nabil Khelifi (editor), Attila Ciner (editor), Imran Ali (editor), Mingjie Chen (editor), 2023
Storia naturale. Cosmologia e geografia. Libri 1-6. Con testo a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Roberto Centi (editor), Mauro Corsaro (editor), Arnaldo Marcone (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), Italo Calvino (editor), 1984
Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-1
Marc Gaborieau (editor); Kate Fleet (editor); Roger Allen (editor); Gudrun Krämer (editor); John Abdallah Nawas (editor); Denis Matringe (editor); Everett K. Rowson (editor), 2017
500 Single Best Answers for the Medical Oncology Specialty Certificate Exam
Daniel J. Hughes (editor), Anna C. Olsson-Brown (editor), Judith Cave (editor), Helena Earl (editor), Ricky Frazer (editor), Ailsa Sita-Lumsden (editor), Ruth E. Board (editor), 2022
Beyond the Biophysical: Knowledge, Culture, and Politics in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Laura German, Ritu Verma, Joshua J. Ramisch (auth.), Laura A. German, Joshua J. Ramisch, Ritu Verma (eds.), 2010
Accounting and Regulation: New Insights on Governance, Markets and Institutions
Roberto Di Pietra, Stuart McLeay, Joshua Ronen (auth.), Roberto Di Pietra, Stuart McLeay, Joshua Ronen (eds.), 2014
The Civil War Letters of Joshua K. Callaway
Joshua K. Callaway, 1997
Conquering Character: The Characterization of Joshua in Joshua 1-11
Sarah Lebhar Hall, 2010
Joshua Edel, Joshua Edel, Aleksandar Ivanov, MinJun Kim, Paul O'Brien, Kevin J. Freedman, Paul W Bohn, Yoshinobu Baba, Jason Dwyer, Johan RC van der Maarel, Masateru Taniguchi, Jun Kameoka, 2013
The Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite
Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite, Frank R. Trombley, John W. Watt, 2001
Between China and Japan: The Writings of Joshua Fogel
Joshua Fogel, 2015
Docker for Data Science: Building Scalable and Extensible Data Infrastructure Around the Jupyter Notebook Server
Joshua Cook [Joshua Cook], 2017
Becoming Functional
Joshua Backfield [Joshua Backfield], 2014
The Civil War Letters of Joshua K. Callaway
Joshua Callaway, Judith Hallock, 2014
Joshua Tree: The Complete Guide: Joshua Tree National Park
James Kaiser, 2019
The Little Book of Professional Investing
Joshua Pearl; Joshua Rosenbaum, 2020