نتایج جستجو

Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing: 16th CCF Conference, ChineseCSCW 2021, Xiangtan, China, November 26–28, 2021, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science, 1491)
Yuqing Sun (editor), Tun Lu (editor), Buqing Cao (editor), Hongfei Fan (editor), Dongning Liu (editor), Bowen Du (editor), Liping Gao (editor), 2022
Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1433)
Luis A. García-Escudero (editor), Alfonso Gordaliza (editor), Agustín Mayo (editor), María Asunción Lubiano Gomez (editor), Maria Angeles Gil (editor), Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski (editor), Olgierd Hryniewicz (editor), 2022
Medienrecht: Band 4 Persönlichkeitsrecht und Medienstrafrecht
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Sabine Boksanyi (editor); Hans Joachim von Gottberg (editor); Bernd Heinrich (editor); Philipp Köhler (editor); Cornelius Renner (editor), 2014
Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th-20th Centuries) (RURAL HISTORY IN EUROPE)
G. Beaur (editor), Phillipp R. Schofield (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), G. Beaur (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), Maria-Teresa Perez-Picazo (editor), Phillip Schofield (editor), 2013
Eva Inés Obergfell (editor); Ronny Hauck (editor); Eva Inés Obergfell (editor); Ronny Hauck (editor); Sebastian Heim (editor); Patrick Zurth (editor); Nina Elisabeth Herbort (editor), 2016
Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis in Motion: Emerging Methods and New Technologies
Pentti Haddington (editor), Tiina Eilittä (editor), Antti Kamunen (editor), Laura Kohonen-Aho (editor), Tuire Oittinen (editor), Iira Rautiainen (editor), Anna Vatanen (editor), 2023
The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance
Justin B. Bullock (editor), Yu-Che Chen (editor), Johannes Himmelreich (editor), Valerie M. Hudson (editor), Anton Korinek (editor), Matthew M. Young (editor), Baobao Zhang (editor), 2024
Data Mining: 19th Australasian Conference on Data Mining, AusDM 2021, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, December 14-15, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Yue Xu (editor), Rosalind Wang (editor), Anton Lord (editor), Yee Ling Boo (editor), Richi Nayak (editor), Yanchang Zhao (editor), Graham Williams (editor), 2021
Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences: 11th International Conference, ICCABS 2021, Virtual Event, December 16–18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Mukul S. Bansal (editor), Ion Măndoiu (editor), Marmar Moussa (editor), Murray Patterson (editor), Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (editor), Pavel Skums (editor), Alexander Zelikovsky (editor), 2022
Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2023 International Workshops: BDMS 2023, BDQM 2023, GDMA 2023, BundleRS 2023, Tianjin, China, April ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Amr El Abbadi (editor), Gillian Dobbie (editor), Zhiyong Feng (editor), Lu Chen (editor), Xiaohui Tao (editor), Yingxia Shao (editor), Hongzhi Yin (editor), 2023
Chinese Computational Linguistics: 21st China National Conference, CCL 2022, Nanchang, China, October 14–16, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Maosong Sun (editor), Yang Liu (editor), Wanxiang Che (editor), Yang Feng (editor), Xipeng Qiu (editor), Gaoqi Rao (editor), Yubo Chen (editor), 2022
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part IX (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Francesco Scorza (editor), Yeliz Karaca (editor), Carmelo M. Torre (editor), 2023
Die datafizierte Schule (German Edition)
Annekatrin Bock (editor), Andreas Breiter (editor), Sigrid Hartong (editor), Juliane Jarke (editor), Sieglinde Jornitz (editor), Angelina Lange (editor), Felicitas Macgilchrist (editor), 2023
Computational Collective Intelligence: 15th International Conference, ICCCI 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 27–29, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14162)
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (editor), János Botzheim (editor), László Gulyás (editor), Manuel Núñez (editor), Jan Treur (editor), Gottfried Vossen (editor), Adrianna Kozierkiewicz (editor), 2023
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 15th International Conference, ICIRA 2022, Harbin, China, August 1–3, 2022, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Honghai Liu (editor), Zhouping Yin (editor), Lianqing Liu (editor), Li Jiang (editor), Guoying Gu (editor), Xinyu Wu (editor), Weihong Ren (editor), 2022
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 13th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 24–26, 2020, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science)
Xuesong Ye (editor), Filipe Soares (editor), Elisabetta De Maria (editor), Pedro Gómez Vilda (editor), Federico Cabitza (editor), Ana Fred (editor), Hugo Gamboa (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14105)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Francesco Scorza (editor), Yeliz Karaca (editor), Carmelo M. Torre (editor), 2023
Recent Research on Hydrogeology, Geoecology and Atmospheric Sciences: Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 (Volume 1) (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
Haroun Chenchouni (editor), Helder I. Chaminé (editor), Zhihua Zhang (editor), Nabil Khelifi (editor), Attila Ciner (editor), Imran Ali (editor), Mingjie Chen (editor), 2023
Storia naturale. Cosmologia e geografia. Libri 1-6. Con testo a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Roberto Centi (editor), Mauro Corsaro (editor), Arnaldo Marcone (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), Italo Calvino (editor), 1984
Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-1
Marc Gaborieau (editor); Kate Fleet (editor); Roger Allen (editor); Gudrun Krämer (editor); John Abdallah Nawas (editor); Denis Matringe (editor); Everett K. Rowson (editor), 2017
500 Single Best Answers for the Medical Oncology Specialty Certificate Exam
Daniel J. Hughes (editor), Anna C. Olsson-Brown (editor), Judith Cave (editor), Helena Earl (editor), Ricky Frazer (editor), Ailsa Sita-Lumsden (editor), Ruth E. Board (editor), 2022
Post-Anarchism: A Reader
Duane Rousselle (editor), Süreyyya Evren (editor), Andrew M. Koch, Todd May, Saul Newman, Hakim Bey, Tadzio Mueller, Richard J. F. Day, Jason Adams, Antón Fernández de Rota, Sandra Jeppesen, Allan Antliff, Benjamin Franks, Lewis Call, Jamie Heckert, Hilton Bertalan, Nathan Jun, Michael Truscello, 2011
Leo Strauss in Northeast Asia
Jun-Hyeok Kwak (editor), Sungwoo Park (editor), 2019
Recent Advances in Biological Network Analysis: Comparative Network Analysis and Network Module Detection
Byung-Jun Yoon (editor), Xiaoning Qian (editor), 2021