نتایج جستجو

Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know
Thomas H. Davenport, 1998
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know
Thomas H. Davenport, 1998
The Cardiff Team: Ten Stories
Guy Davenport, 1996
The Jules Verne Steam Balloon
Guy Davenport, 1993
Information ecology: mastering the information and knowledge environment
Thomas H. Davenport, 1997
Mission critical: realizing the promise of enterprise systems
Thomas H. Davenport, 2000
Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology
Thomas H. Davenport, 1993
The Geography of the Imagination
Guy Davenport, 1981
Guy Davenport: Postmodernism and After (Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies)
Andre Furlani, 2007
D-Day and the Liberation of France (Milestones in Modern World History)
John C. Davenport, 2010
The Bolshevik Revolution (Milestones in Modern World History)
John C. Davenport, 2010
The French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon (Milestones in Modern World History)
John C. Davenport, 2011
Wind Wizard: Alan G. Davenport and the Art of Wind Engineering
Siobhan Roberts, 2012
Multimedia ’99: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Milano, Italy, September 7–8, 1999
Glorianna Davenport (auth.), 2000
Errata for Abramowitz and Stegun - Gamma function
Davenport J.
Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines
Thomas H. Davenport, 2016
Flash Smelting. Analysis, Control and Optimization
W. G. Davenport, 1987
Dante: Poet, Author, And Proud Florentine (Makers of the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
John C. Davenport, 2005
Dante: Poet, Author, And Proud Florentine (Makers of the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
John C. Davenport, 2005
Juan Ponce De Leon And His Lands Of Discovery (Explorers of New Lands)
John Davenport, 2006