نتایج جستجو

Mimesis. Il realismo nella letteratura occidentale
Erich Auerbach
Arte, arquitectura y mímesis
Manuel de Prada, 2012
Al di là della musica (Mimesis)
John Cage, 2018
Maurice Blanchot. Passione politica (Mimesis)
Jean-Luc Nancy
Modernism and Mimesis
Stephen D. Dowden, 2020
Modernism and Mimesis
Stephen D. Dowden, 2020
Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to Reality in Western Literature
Kathryn Hume, 2014
Fictional Environments: Mimesis, Deforestation, and Development in Latin America
Victoria Saramago, 2021
Mímesis: a representação da realidade na literatura ocidental
Erich Auerbach, 1971
La divina mímesis
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Immigrants and Comics: Graphic Spaces of Remembrance, Transaction, and Mimesis
Nhora Lucía Serrano, 2021
Rethinking Mimesis : Concepts and Practices of Literary Representation
Saija Isomaa, Sari Kivisto, Pirjo Lyytikainen, Sanna Nyqvist, Merja Polvinen, Riikka Rossi, 2012
Mimesis on the Move: Theodor W. Adorno's Concept of Imitation
Karla L. Schultz, 1990
Playing Real: Mimesis, Media, and Mischief
Lindsay Brandon Hunter, 2021
Mimesis und Alterität. Eine eigenwillige Geschichte der Sinne
Michael Taussig, 1997
East West Mimesis: Auerbach in Turkey
Kader Konuk, 2010
East West Mimesis: Auerbach in Turkey
Kader Konuk, 2010
Pasolini after Dante: The 'Divine Mimesis' and the Politics of Representation
Emanuela Patti, 2016
Translating Jazz Into Poetry: From Mimesis to Metaphor
Erik Redling, 2017
Rene Girard and Creative Mimesis
Thomas Ryba (editor), Vern Neufeld Redekop (editor), 2013
Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 1953-2005
Rene Girard; Robert Doran (editor), 2008