نتایج جستجو

Atlas of Neoplastic Pulmonary Disease: Pathology, Cytology, Endoscopy and Radiology
Megan K. Dishop M.D. (auth.), Armando E. Fraire, Philip T. Cagle, Richard S. Irwin, Dina R. Mody, Armin Ernst, Shanda Blackmon, Timothy Craig Allen, Megan K. Dishop (eds.), 2010
Dail and Hammar’s Pulmonary Pathology: Volume II: Neoplastic Lung Disease
William George Morice MD, PhD, Thomas V. Colby MD (auth.), Joseph F. Tomashefski Jr. MD, Philip T. Cagle MD, Carol F. Farver MD, Armando E. Fraire MD (eds.), 2008
Transplantation Immunology: Methods and Protocols
Christopher J. Callaghan, J. Andrew Bradley (auth.), Philip Hornick, Marlene Rose (eds.), 2006
Transplantation Immunology: Methods and Protocols
Christopher J. Callaghan, J. Andrew Bradley (auth.), Philip Hornick, Marlene Rose (eds.), 2006
Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2011, Beijing, China, April 18-20, 2011. Proceedings
Philip S. Yu (auth.), Xiaoyong Du, Wenfei Fan, Jianmin Wang, Zhiyong Peng, Mohamed A. Sharaf (eds.), 2011
Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2011, Beijing, China, April 18-20, 2011. Proceedings
Philip S. Yu (auth.), Xiaoyong Du, Wenfei Fan, Jianmin Wang, Zhiyong Peng, Mohamed A. Sharaf (eds.), 2011
Asset Condition, Information Systems and Decision Models
Philip Woodall, Ajith Kumar Parlikad (auth.), Joe E. Amadi-Echendu Prof., Roger Willett Prof., Kerry Brown Prof., Joseph Mathew Prof. (eds.), 2013
Advanced Web Technologies and Applications: 6th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2004, Hangzhou, China, April 14-17, 2004. Proceedings
Philip S. Yu, Kun-Lung Wu, Shyh-Kwei Chen (auth.), Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xuemin Lin, Hongjun Lu, Yanchun Zhang (eds.), 2004
Advanced Web Technologies and Applications: 6th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2004, Hangzhou, China, April 14-17, 2004. Proceedings
Philip S. Yu, Kun-Lung Wu, Shyh-Kwei Chen (auth.), Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xuemin Lin, Hongjun Lu, Yanchun Zhang (eds.), 2004
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 6th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2002 Taipei, Taiwan, May 6–8, 2002 Proceedings
Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi (auth.), Ming-Syan Chen, Philip S. Yu, Bing Liu (eds.), 2002
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 6th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2002 Taipei, Taiwan, May 6–8, 2002 Proceedings
Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi (auth.), Ming-Syan Chen, Philip S. Yu, Bing Liu (eds.), 2002
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: Third International Conference, ACNS 2005, New York, NY, USA, June 7-10, 2005. Proceedings
Jonathan Katz, Philip MacKenzie, Gelareh Taban (auth.), John Ioannidis, Angelos Keromytis, Moti Yung (eds.), 2005
The Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized Jointly by the UK SERC's Collaborative Computational Project No. 7 and the Institut für Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, University of Kiel Held at the University of Kiel, Germany 18–20 September 1991
Philip Dufton (auth.), U. Heber, C. Simon Jeffery (eds.), 1992
Computing and Monitoring in Anesthesia and Intensive Care: Recent Technological Advances
James H. Philip M.E.(E.), M.D. (auth.), Kazuyuki Ikeda M.D., Matsuyuki Doi M.D., Tomiei Kazama M.D., Kazuo Sato M.D., Tsutomu Oyama M.D. (eds.), 1992
Essential Radiology for Sports Medicine
Melanie A. Hopper, Andrew J. Grainger (auth.), Philip Robinson (eds.), 2010
Essential Radiology for Sports Medicine
Melanie A. Hopper, Andrew J. Grainger (auth.), Philip Robinson (eds.), 2010
Managing the Prenatal Environment to Enhance Livestock Productivity
Paul L. Greenwood, Andrew N. Thompson, Stephen P. Ford (auth.), Paul L. Greenwood, Alan W. Bell, Philip E. Vercoe, Gerrit J. Viljoen (eds.), 2010
Managing the Prenatal Environment to Enhance Livestock Productivity
Paul L. Greenwood, Andrew N. Thompson, Stephen P. Ford (auth.), Paul L. Greenwood, Alan W. Bell, Philip E. Vercoe, Gerrit J. Viljoen (eds.), 2010
Performance Improvement Through Information Management: Health Care’s Bridge to Success
James Reep, Philip Lohman (auth.), Marion J. Ball EdD, Judith V. Douglas MA, MHS (eds.), 1999
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1991: Proceedings of the 1991 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Portree, Isle of Skye, 12–14 August 1991
Gert Akerholt, Kevin Hammond, Simon Peyton Jones (auth.), Rogardt Heldal BSc, Carsten Kehler Holst cand. Scient., Philip Wadler PhD (eds.), 1992
Behavior and Social Computing: International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics, BSI 2013, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, April 14-17, 2013 and International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics and Computing, BSIC 2013, Beijing, China, August 3-9, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Ma Zhixin, Xu Yusheng, Tharam S. Dillon (auth.), Longbing Cao, Hiroshi Motoda, Jaideep Srivastava, Ee-Peng Lim, Irwin King, Philip S. Yu, Wolfgang Nejdl, Guandong Xu, Gang Li, Ya Zhang (eds.), 2013
ALERT - Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment: Volume 1: General Concepts and Specific Precepts
Craig C. Earle, Lois B. Travis (auth.), Philip Rubin, Louis S. Constine, Lawrence B. Marks (eds.), 2014
ALERT • Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment: Volume 2: Normal Tissue Specific Sites and Systems
Susannah Yovino, Young Kwok (auth.), Philip Rubin, Louis S. Constine, Lawrence B. Marks (eds.), 2014
Art and Aesthetics at Work
Adrian Carr, Philip Hancock (eds.), 2003