نتایج جستجو

Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting Mobility, Multimedia, and Internetworking: COST Action 279 Final Report
Jose Brazio, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Nail Akar, Andrzej Beben, Wojciech Burakowski, Markus Fiedler, Ezhan Karasan, Michael Menth, Philippe Olivier, Kurt Tutschku, Sabine Wittevrongel, 2005
Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting Mobility, Multimedia, and Internetworking: COST Action 279 Final Report
Jose Brazio, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Nail Akar, Andrzej Beben, Wojciech Burakowski, Markus Fiedler, Ezhan Karasan, Michael Menth, Olivier Philippe, Kurt Tutschku, Sabine Wittevrongel (eds.), 2006
Intraplate Magmatism and Metallogeny of North Vietnam
Trong-Hoa Tran, 2015
Efficient Image Retrieval With Statistical Color Descriptors
Linh Viet Tran
Sonic: WALL Secure Wireless Network Integrated Solutions Guide
Joe Levy, Khai Tran, Patrick Lydon, Jeremy Pollock, Dave Parry, Susan Weigand, Zhong Chen, Hung Ha, John Gmuender, 2007
Công nghệ chuyển gen (động vật, thực vật)
Trần Quốc Dung, 2006
Data Storage for Social Networks: A Socially Aware Approach
Duc A. Tran, 2012
Market Upside Down: How to Invest Profitably in a Shrinking Economy
Vinh Q. Tran, 2010
Market Upside Down: How to Invest Profitably in a Shrinking Economy
Vinh Q. Tran, 2010
Market Upside Down: How to Invest Profitably in a Shrinking Economy
Vinh Q. Tran, 2010
Investigations into the Origin of Language and Consciousness
Trán Duc Thao, 1984
New Asian Regionalism: Responses to Globalisation and Crises
Tran Van Hoa, 2003
Viet Nam: Borderless Histories
Nhung Tuyet Tran, 2006
Capillary Electrophoresis of Proteins and Peptides: Methods and Protocols
Nguyet Thuy Tran, 2016