نتایج جستجو

Intellectual property in chemistry : a guide to applying for and obtaining a patent for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars
Nelson Durán; Leandro Carneiro Fonseca; Amedea B. Seabra, 2019
Sir Thomas Gresham and Gresham College: Studies in the Intellectual History of London in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Francis Ames-Lewis (editor), 1999
The Bright and the Good: The Connection between Intellectual and Moral Virtues
Audrey L. Anton (editor), 2018
Business Law in Japan - Cases and Comments. Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law
Moritz Balz, Marc Dernauer, Christopher Heath, Anja Petersen-Padber, 2012
The Intellectual Property and Food Project: From Rewarding Innovation and Creation to Feeding the World
Charles Lawson, Jay Sanderson, 2013
Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property: Developments in Access and Benefit Sharing
Charles Lawson, Kamalesh Adhikari, 2018
Vāda in Theory and Practice: Studies in Debates, Dialogues and Discussions in Indian Intellectual Discourses
Radhavallabh Tripathi, 2021
Intellectual Disability and Psychotherapy: The Theories, Practice and Influence of Valerie Sinason
Alan Corbett (editor), 2018
Rabbi Judah Moscato and the Jewish Intellectual World of Mantua in the 16th-17th Centuries
Edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Gianfranco Miletto, 2012
Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property
Thomas C. Berg (editor), Roman Cholij (editor), Simon Ravenscroft (editor), 2019
Piracy and Intellectual Property in Latin America: Rethinking Creativity and the Common Good
Victor Goldgel-Carballo; Juan Poblete, 2020
Circulation And Control: Artistic Culture And Intellectual Property In The Nineteenth Century
Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire, Will Slauter, 2021
Moral and Intellectual Virtues in Practices: Through the Eyes of Scientists and Musicians
Timothy Reilly, Darcia Narvaez, Mark Graves, Keke Kaikhosroshvili, Stefanie Israel de Souza, 2022
The Age of Reform, 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe
Steven Ozment, Carlos Eire, Ronald K. Rittgers, 2020
Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia: Sources and Boundaries
Lucas den Boer (editor); Elizabeth A. Cecil (editor); European Research Council (ERC) (editor), 2020