نتایج جستجو

6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch (auth.), Miguel P. Rocha, Nicholas Luscombe, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez (eds.), 2012
7th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations: Service and Cloud Computing
José Javier Astrain, Alberto Córdoba (auth.), Lorna Uden, Francisco Herrera, Javier Bajo Pérez, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez (eds.), 2013
7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Liliana López-Kleine, José Romeo (auth.), Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Loris Nanni, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola (eds.), 2013
8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2014)
Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz Santana (eds.), 2014
9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Ross Overbeek, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz (eds.), 2015
9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Ross Overbeek, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz (eds.), 2015
Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
Liming Chen, Ismail Khalil (auth.), Liming Chen, Chris D. Nugent, Jit Biswas, Jesse Hoey (eds.), 2011
Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
Liming Chen, Ismail Khalil (auth.), Liming Chen, Chris D. Nugent, Jit Biswas, Jesse Hoey (eds.), 2011
Adaptive and Intelligent Systems: Second International Conference, ICAIS 2011, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 6-8, 2011. Proceedings
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (auth.), Abdelhamid Bouchachia (eds.), 2011
Intelligent Integration of Information: A Special Double Issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Sytems Volume 6, Numbers 2/3 May, 1996
Gio Wiederhold (auth.), Gio Wiederhold (eds.), 1996
Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction: International GestureWorkshop, GW’99 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, March 17-19, 1999 Proceedings
Winand H. Dittrich (auth.), Annelies Braffort, Rachid Gherbi, Sylvie Gibet, Daniel Teil, James Richardson (eds.), 1999
Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction: International GestureWorkshop, GW’99 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, March 17-19, 1999 Proceedings
Winand H. Dittrich (auth.), Annelies Braffort, Rachid Gherbi, Sylvie Gibet, Daniel Teil, James Richardson (eds.), 1999
Refractory Carbides
G. V. Samsonov (auth.), Grigorii V. Samsonov (eds.), 1995
The Refractory Carbides
Edmund K. Storms (Eds.), 1967
Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems
Irina A. Guschina, John L. Harwood (auth.), Martin Kainz, Michael T. Brett, Michael T. Arts (eds.), 2009
Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems
Irina A. Guschina, John L. Harwood (auth.), Martin Kainz, Michael T. Brett, Michael T. Arts (eds.), 2009
Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis
ZHOU Qiming, Brian G. Lees, TANG Guo-an (auth.), Qiming Zhou, Brian Lees, Guo-an Tang (eds.), 2008
Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation: IAG Commission 2: Gravity Field, Chania, Crete, Greece, 23-27 June 2008
Ch. Gerlach, R. Dorobantu, Ch. Ackermann, N.S. Kjørsvik, G. Boedecker (auth.), Stelios P. Mertikas (eds.), 2010
Sciences of Geodesy - I: Advances and Future Directions
Ludger Timmen (auth.), Guochang Xu (eds.), 2010
Vegetation mapping
A. W. Küchler (auth.), A. W. Küchler, I. S. Zonneveld (eds.), 1988
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement: Eine Herausforderung für Fachkräfte und Verbände
Ulrich Otto (auth.), Dr. Ulrich Otto, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Müller, Christine Besenfelder (eds.), 2000
Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde: Sechsundfünfzigster Band
Hans Ulrich Köttgen (auth.), A. Czerny, Fr. Müller, M. v. Pfaundler, A. Schittenhelm (eds.), 1939
Fremde und Andere in Deutschland: Nachdenken über das Einverleiben, Einebnen, Ausgrenzen
Rainer Treptow (auth.), Dr. Siegfried Müller, Dr. h.c. Hans-Uwe Otto, Dr. Ulrich Otto (eds.), 1995