نتایج جستجو

A History of the English Poor Law: Volume II
Sir George Nicholls, 2016
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume I
Sir George Nicholls, 2016
Questioning the Foundations of Public Law
Michael A Wilkinson, Michael A Wilkinson;Michael W Dowdle (editor), 2018
Questioning the Foundations of Public Law
Michael A Wilkinson;Michael W Dowdle;, 2018
Tipping Points in International Law: Commitment and Critique
Jean d'Aspremont (editor), John Haskell (editor), 2021
Harm to Others (The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, Vol. 1)
Joel Feinberg, 1984
Public health law and ethics : a reader
Lawrence Ogalthorpe Gostin (editor); Lindsay F. Wiley (editor), 2018
Artificial Intelligence: Law and Regulation
Charles Kerrigan (editor), 2022
The Law of International Watercourses
Stephen C. McCaffrey, 2019
Research Handbook on Privacy and Data Protection Law: Values, Norms and Global Politics
Gloria González (editor), Rosamunde Van Brakel (editor), Paul De Hert (editor), 2022
Sustainable Justice: Reconciling Economic, Social and Environmental Law
Director Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (editor), C. G. Weeramantry (editor), 2004
Les sanctions économiques en droit international = Economic Sanctions in International Law
Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos; Laura Forlati, 2004
Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order
Stuart Hall; Chas Critcher; Tony Jefferson; John Clarke; Brian Roberts, 1978
Economic analysis of law
Richard A. Posner; Aspen Publishers., 2014
Space Law
Francis Lyall, 2020
Race in the Shadow of Law: State Violence in Contemporary Europe
Eddie Bruce-Jones, 2016
International Perspectives on End-of-Life Law Reform: Politics, Persuasion and Persistence
Ben P. White (editor), Lindy Willmott (editor), 2021
The Cambridge companion to international organizations law
Jan Klabbers, 2022
EU Energy Law Volume XII: Electricity Market Design in the European Union
Christopher Jones (editor), lorian Ermacora (editor), 2020
The Law and Politics of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in Asia
Rehan Abeyratne (editor), Ngoc Son Bui (editor), 2021
Sickness in the Workhouse: Poor Law Medical Care in Provincial England, 1834-1914
Alistair Ritch, 2019