نتایج جستجو

Discrete-Event System Simulation
Jerry Banks, 2004
Hyperbolic manifolds and discrete groups
Kapovich M., 2000
Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups
Michael Kapovich, 2009
Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups
Michael Kapovich (auth.), 2010
Combinatorial Group Theory, Discrete Groups, and Number Theory
Benjamin Fine, 2006
Mathematical Finance and Probability: A Discrete Introduction
Pablo Koch Medina, 2003
Discrete convex analysis
Kazuo Murota, 2003
Discrete groups
Ken"ichi Ohshika, 2002
Discrete Groups Generated
Coxeter M, 1934
Discrete groups in space and uniformization problems
B. Apanasov, 1991
Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
M. S. Raghunathan, 1972
Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups
M. S. Raghunathan, 1972
Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete
Robert M. Young, 1992
Differential geometry and topology, discrete and computational geometry
M. Boucetta, 2005
Discrete Control Systems
Yoshifumi Okuyama (auth.), 2014
Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control
Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad (auth.), 2000
Discrete-time Control System Implementation Techniques
C.T. Leondes (Eds.), 1995
Discrete symmetries and CP violation
Sozzi M., 2008