نتایج جستجو

Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers
Heinz P. Bloch, 1994
Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers
Heinz P. Bloch, 1994
Micro-Electronic and Mechanical Systems
K. Takahata, 2009
Tailoring of Mechanical Properties of Si3N4 Ceramics
F. F. Lange, 1994
Chemistry and Physics of Mechanical Hardness
John J. Gilman, 2009
Cats' Paws and Catapults: Mechanical Worlds of Nature and People
Steven Vogel, 1998
Cats' Paws and Catapults: Mechanical Worlds of Nature and People
Steven Vogel, 1998
Application of Abstract Differential Equations to Some Mechanical Problems
Isabelle Titeux, 2003
Computer Aided Analysis and Optimization of Mechanical System Dynamics
Edward J. Haug (auth.), 1984
Mechanical Vibrations: Active and Passive Control
Tomasz Krysinski, 2008
Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring
Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, 2015
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume I: Elasticity and Plasticity
Dominique François, 1998
Mechanical fastening, joining, and assembly
James A Speck, 2013
Mechanical and Chemical Signaling in Angiogenesis
Thomas N. Sato (auth.), 2013
Analysis and Estimation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems
Werner Schiehlen, 1988
Computer-Aided Mechanical Assembly Planning
Luiz S. Homem de Mello, 1991
The Mechanical foundations of elasticity and fluid dynamics
Clifford A. Truesdell, 1966
The mechanical foundations of elasticity and fluid dynamics
Truesdell C., 1966
Mechanical Blood Trauma in Circulatory-Assist Devices
Timothy Michael Maul, 2015