نتایج جستجو

Embedded System Technology: 13th National Conference, ESTC 2015, Beijing, China, October 10-11, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Xing Zhang, Zhonghai Wu, Xingmian Sha (eds.), 2015
Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: Chinese Conference, IGTA 2013, Beijing, China, April 2-3, 2013. Proceedings
Tieniu Tan, Qiuqi Ruan, Xilin Chen, Huimin Ma, Liang Wang(eds.), 2013
Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: Chinese Conference, IGTA 2014, Beijing, China, June 19-20, 2014. Proceedings
Tieniu Tan, Qiuqi Ruan, Shengjin Wang, Huimin Ma, Kaiqi Huang(eds.), 2014
Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: 10th Chinese Conference, IGTA 2015, Beijing, China, June 19-20, 2015, Proceedings
Tieniu Tan, Qiuqi Ruan, Shengjin Wang, Huimin Ma, Kaichang Di(eds.), 2015
Beijing & Shanghai
Peter Neville-Hadley; Donald Bedford; Christopher Knowles, 2016
Web and Big Data: APWeb-WAIM 2017 International Workshops: MWDA, HotSpatial, GDMA, DDC, SDMA, MASS, Beijing, China, July 7-9, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
Shaoxu Song, Matthias Renz, Yang-Sae Moon (eds.), 2017
Brain Informatics: International Conference, BI 2017, Beijing, China, November 16-18, 2017, Proceedings
Yi Zeng et al. (eds.), 2017
Social Media Processing: 6th National Conference, SMP 2017, Beijing, China, September 14-17, 2017, Proceedings
Xueqi Cheng,Weiying Ma,Huan Liu,Huawei Shen,Shizheng Feng,Xing Xie (eds.), 2017
Top 10 Beijing
DK Travel, 2017
Top 10 Beijing
DK Travel, 2017
Political Participation in Beijing
Tianjian Shi, 1997
Claws of the Panda: Beijing’s Campaign of Influence and Intimidation in Canada
John Manthorpe, 2 Feb 2019
Lonely Planet Beijing
Lonely Planet; Daniel McCrohan; David Eimer, 2015
Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from LA to Beijing
Ian Buruma, 2009
Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Beijing
Judith Farquhar; Qicheng Zhang, 2012
Death in Beijing: Murder and Forensic Science in Republican China
Daniel Asen, 2016
The Search for a Vanishing Beijing: A Guide to China’s Capital Through the Ages
M. A. Aldrich, 2006
Rickshaw Beijing: City People and Politics in the 1920s
David Strand, 1989
Behind the Gate: Inventing Students in Beijing
Fabio Lanza, 2010