نتایج جستجو

Signes et couleurs des identités politiques : du Moyen âge à nos jours
Denise Turrel, Martin Aurell, Christine Manigand, Jérôme Grévy, Laurent Hablot, Catalina Girbea (dir.), 2008
Christine Kenneally, 李孚声, 杨欣然, 2018
What Do Patients Want?: Psychoanalytic Perspectives from the Couch
Christine A. S. Hill, 2011
Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child’s Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore
Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, Bert Powell, Daniel J. Siegel, Christine M. Benton, 2017
Christine Comaford, 范海滨, 2015
Vite dei santi. Vita di Antonio
Atanasio; Christine Mohrman, G. J. M. Bartelink (eds.), 2003
Vite dei santi. La Storia Lausiaca
Palladio; Christine Mohrman, G. J. M. Bartelink (eds.), 1974
Perspectives on Care at Home for Older People
Christine Ceci; Kristín Björnsdóttir; Mary Ellen Purkis (eds.), 2012
A Measure of Success: The Influence of Curriculum-Based Measurement on Education
Christine Espin; Kristen McMaster; Susan Rose; Miya Miura Wayman, 2012
What’s divine about divine law? Early perspectives
Christine Elizabeth Hayes, 2017
Creating the Kingdom of Ends
Christine M. Korsgaard, 1996
Dijan im Geims Buk
Christine Curtis, 1994
Oppression and the Body: Roots, Resistance, and Resolutions
Christine Caldwell and Lucia Bennett Leighton (eds.), 2018
The Role of Language Teacher Associations in Professional Development
Aymen Elsheikh, Christine Coombe, Okon Effiong, 2018
The Yezidi oral tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan
Christine Allison, 2001
Aspects of Power and Authority in the Middle Ages
Brenda M. Bolton; Christine E. Meek, 2007
L’ennemi principal - 1: Economie politique du patriarcat
Christine Delphy, 2013
The Faces of Torah: Studies in the Texts and Contexts of Ancient Judaism in Honor of Steven Fraade
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal (Editor), Tzvi Novick (Editor), Christine Hayes (Editor), 2017
Guta lag: The Law of the Gotlanders
Christine Peel (ed., transl.), 2009
Guta saga: The History of the Gotlanders
Christine Peel (ed., transl.), 2010
Dolphin Communication and Cognition: Past, Present, and Future
Denise L. Herzing, Christine M. Johnson (eds.), 2015
Textes de dévotion et lectures spirituelles en langue romane (France, XIIe-XVIe siècle)
Sylvie Lefèvre; Marie Clotilde Hubert; Anne-Françoise Leurquin-Labie; Christine Ruby; Marie-Laure Savoye; Geneviève Hasenohr, 2015
Pi Gu Chi Kung: Inner Alchemy Energy Fasting
Mantak Chia; Christine Harkness-Giles, 2016