نتایج جستجو

Electroweak and Strong Interactions: Phenomenology, Concepts, Models
Florian Scheck (auth.), 2012
Inverse Limits: From Continua to Chaos
W.T. Ingram, William S. Mahavier (auth.), 2012
Numerische Mathematik: Eine Einführung anhand von Differentialgleichungsproblemen Band 2: Instationäre Probleme
Walter Zulehner (auth.), 2011
Functional Equations and Inequalities with Applications
Palaniappan Kannappan (auth.), 2009
Helmut Laux, Robert M. Gillenkirch, Heike Y. Schenk-Mathes (auth.), 2012
Exploration and Meaning Making in the Learning of Science
Bernard Zubrowski (auth.), 2009
The Classical Theory of Fields: Electromagnetism
Carl S. Helrich (auth.), 2012
Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach
Steven Roman (auth.), 2012
Mathematics of Biology
Kennet L. Cooke (auth.), Mimmo Iannelli (eds.), 2011
Geometria Proiettivo-differenziale
Beniamino Segre (auth.), E. Bompiani (eds.), 2011
CMR and MDCT in Cardiac Masses: From Acquisition Protocols to Diagnosis
Alexis Jacquier (auth.), 2011
Network Economics and the Allocation of Savings: A Model of Peering in the Voice-over-IP Telecommunications Market
Philipp Servatius (auth.), 2012
Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations: A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View
Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian (auth.), 2012
Functional Spaces for the Theory of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Françoise Demengel, Gilbert Demengel (auth.), 2012
Chemogenomics and Chemical Genetics: A User's Introduction for Biologists, Chemists and Informaticians
Eric MarÉchal, Sylvaine Roy, Laurence LafanechÈre (auth.), ERIC MARECHAL, Sylvaine Roy, Laurence Lafanechère (eds.), 2011
Nature Helps...: How Plants and Other Organisms Contribute to Solve Health Problems
Clara Lia Costa Brandelli, Raquel Brandt Giordani, Alexandre José Macedo (auth.), Heinz Mehlhorn (eds.), 2011
Ecology of Leaf Longevity
Kihachiro Kikuzawa, Martin J. Lechowicz (auth.), 2011
Environmental Microbiology of Aquatic and Waste Systems
Nduka Okafor (auth.), 2011
Relativistic Fluid Dynamics
Pham Mau Quan (auth.), C. Cattaneo (eds.), 2011
Sample Preparation in Biological Mass Spectrometry
Xianyin Lai, Frank A. Witzmann (auth.), Alexander R. Ivanov, Alexander V. Lazarev (eds.), 2011
One-of-a-Kind Production
Yiliu Tu, Paul Dean (auth.), 2011
Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Clinical Guide
Susan C. Byrne, Lewis P. Rowland, Jean Paul G. Vonsattel (auth.), Orla Hardiman, Colin P. Doherty (eds.), 2011
Perioperative Medicine
Steven L. Cohn (auth.), Steven L. Cohn (eds.), 2011
Minisum Hyperspheres
Mark-Christoph Körner (auth.), 2011