نتایج جستجو

Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology, Third Edition
Gene V. Glass, 1995
Statistical analysis of gene expression microarray data
Terry Speed, 2003
Transcriptional Control of Cell Growth: The E2F Gene Family
J. E. Slansky, 1996
Transcriptional Corepressors: Mediators of Eukaryotic Gene Repression
F. D. Urnov, 2001
Eucaryotic Gene Regulation
Richard Axel (Eds.), 1979
The Shadow of the Torturer (The Book of the New Sun 1)
Gene Wolfe, 1984
The Sword of the Lictor (The Book of the New Sun 3)
Gene Wolfe, 1983
Genome Editing: The Next Step in Gene Therapy
Toni Cathomen, 2016
The Agile Gene: How Nature Turns on Nurture
Matt Ridley, 2004
Say It with Charts Workbook
Gene Zelazny, 2004
Imperfect competition and international trade
Gene M. Grossman, 1992
Chemical Ecology: From Gene to Ecosystem (Wageningen UR Frontis Series)
Marcel Dicke (Editor), 2006
Pharmaceutical Gene Delivery Systems
Alain Rolland, Sean M. Sullivan, 2003
Stress and environmental regulation of gene expression and adaptation in bacteria
Bruijn, Frans J. de, 2016
Computational biology and bioinformatics: gene regulation
Wong, Ka-Chun, 2016
Aerobiology the toxicology of airbourne xenobiotics
Harry Salem, Harry Salem, Sidney A Katz, Diana Anderson, Tim Marrs, Terry J Henderson, Sofi Ibrahim, Arik Eisenkraft, Michael Adler, Joshua Santarpia, Sanjiv Shah, Sidney Katz, Joseph L Corriveau, Jana Kesavan, Gene E McClellan, Rudolph J Jaeger, Thomas Ingersoll, 2016
Evolutionary computation in gene regulatory network research
Iba, Hitoshi; Noman, Nasimul, 2016
The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations
Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis, 2016
Probabilistic Boolean Networks: The Modeling and Control of Gene Regulatory Networks
Ilya Shmulevich, Edward R. Dougherty, 2009
Probabilistic Boolean Networks: The Modeling and Control of Gene Regulatory Networks
Ilya Shmulevich, Edward R. Dougherty, 2009
Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria
Frans J. de Bruijn, 2016
Learning SQLite for iOS
Gene Da Rocha, 2016
Organogenetic Gene Networks: Genetic Control of Organ Formation
James Castelli-Gair Hombría, Paola Bovolenta (eds.), 2016
Simple Mathematical Models of Gene Regulatory Dynamics
Michael C. Mackey, Moisés Santillán, Marta Tyran-Kamińska, Eduardo S. Zeron (auth.), 2016