نتایج جستجو

Agent Communication II: International Workshops on Agent Communication, AC 2005 and AC 2006, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25, 2005, and Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, Selected and Revised Papers
Vincent Louis, Thierry Martinez (auth.), Frank P. M. Dignum, Rogier M. van Eijk, Roberto Flores (eds.), 2006
Analog Circuit Design: Volt Electronics; Mixed-Mode Systems; Low-Noise and RF Power Amplifiers for Telecommunication
Johan Huijsing, Rudy J. van de Plassche, Willy M.C. Sansen, 1998
Collective Behavior and Public Opinion: Rapid Shifts in Opinion and Communication
Jaap van Ginneken, 2003
CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
Rudy J. van de Plassche, 2003
CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
Rudy J. van de Plassche, 2003
CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
Rudy J. van de Plassche, 2003
CMOS integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters
Rudy van de Plassche, 2003
Design Methodologies for VLSI Circuits
P. Jespers, C.H. Sequin, F. van de Wiele, 1982
Power Trade-offs and Low Power in Analog CMOS ICs
Mihai A.T. Sanduleanu, Ed A.J.M. van Tuijl, 2002
Power Trade-offs and Low Power in Analog CMOS ICs
Mihai A.T. Sanduleanu, Ed A.J.M. van Tuijl, 2002
Christopher K. Mathews, Kensal E. van Holde, Kevin G. Ahern, 1999
Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and Evaluation (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)
Ann Peterson Bishop, Nancy A. Van House, Barbara P. Buttenfield, Bruce Schatz, 2003
Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and Evaluation (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)
Bruce Schatz, Ann Peterson Bishop, Nancy A. Van House, Barbara P. Buttenfield, 2003
Energy From the Desert: Practical Proposals for Very Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems (v. 2)
Kosuke Kurokawa, Keiichi Komoto, Peter van der Vleuten, David Faiman, 2007
Transients in Power Systems
Lou van der Sluis, 2001
Kinetic modeling of reactions in foods
Martinus A.J.S. van Boekel, 2009
The Nano-Micro Interface: Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds
Marcel Van de Voorde, Matthias Werner, Hans-Jörg Fecht, 2015
Rockets and Missiles: The Life Story of a Technology
A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 2004
Rockets and Missiles: The Life Story of a Technology (Greenwood Technographies)
A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 2004
Nano and Micro Engineered Membrane Technology
C.J.M. van Rijn (Eds.), 2004![IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 52. No. 2. Pp. 483–494 [Article] Implementation of a MIMO OFDM-Based Wireless LAN System](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/28531-n.jpg)
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 52. No. 2. Pp. 483–494 [Article] Implementation of a MIMO OFDM-Based Wireless LAN System
Allert van Zelst, Tim C. W. Schenk, 2004
Modelling Armoured Vehicles
Gary Edmundson, Steve Van Beveren, Graeme Davidson, Jim Carswell, 2008