نتایج جستجو

People and Computers XX — Engage: Proceedings of HCI 2006
Patrick Olivier, Han Cao, Stephen W. Gilroy, Daniel G. Jackson (auth.), Nick Bryan-Kinns BSc, MSc, PhD, PGCAP, AKC, Ann Blanford BA, MA, PhD, MBCS, CEng, CITP, Paul Curzon BA, MA, PhD, PGCertHE, Laurence Nigay BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2007
Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures
Paul Gilroy, 1994
The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness
Paul Gilroy, 1993
The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness
Paul Gilroy, 1993
Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies (Comparative Politics)
Paul Webb, David M. Farrell, Ian Holliday, 2003
Harvard business review on business and the environment
Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken, Forest Reinhardt, Robert Shapiro, 2000
Natural Capitalism
Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, 1999
Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution
Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, 1999
Paul among Jews and Gentiles, and other essays
Krister Stendahl, 1976
Membrane Engineering for the Treatment of Gases: Volume 1: Gas-separation Problems with Membranes
Enrico Drioli, Giuseppe Barbieri, Laurie Peter, Pluton Pullumbi, Eric Favre, Donald Paul, Brandon Rowe, Arnaud Baudot, Sophie Jullian, Peter Michael Follman, Matthias Wessling, Pushpinder Puri, Jose Paulo Mota, Isabel Esteves, May-Britt Hagg, Jurgen Caro, Kang Li, Adele Brunetti, Gaetano Iaquaniello, Rune Bredesen, Young Moo Lee, Theodore Tsotsis, Catia Algieri, Fausto Gallucci, Jorg Balster, 2011
Membrane Engineering for the Treatment of Gases: Volume 2: Gas-separation Problems Combined with Membrane Reactors
Enrico Drioli, Giuseppe Barbieri, Laurie Peter, Pluton Pullumbi, Eric Favre, Donald Paul, Brandon Rowe, Arnaud Baudot, Sophie Jullian, Peter Michael Follman, Matthias Wessling, Pushpinder Puri, Jose Paulo Mota, Isabel Esteves, May-Britt Hagg, Jurgen Caro, Kang Li, Adele Brunetti, Gaetano Iaquaniello, Rune Bredesen, Young Moo Lee, Theodore Tsotsis, Catia Algieri, Fausto Gallucci, Jorg Balster, 2011
Intelligent Virtual World: Technologies and Applications in Distributed Virtual Environment
Timothy K. Shih, Paul P. Wang, 2004
Urology in Childhood
D. Innes Williams MD, MChir, FRCS, T. Martin Barratt MB, MRCP, Herbert B. Eckstein MA, MD, MChir (Cantab), FRCS (Eng), Sheila M. Kohlinsky MB, ChB, MRCP, DCH, George H. Newns MD, FRCP, Paul E. Polani MD, FRCP, FRS, Jack D. Singer MD (auth.), 1974
Engineering Innovative Products: A Practical Experience
Roger Woods, Karen Rafferty, Julian Murphy, Paul Hermon, 2014
Engineering Innovative Products: A Practical Experience
Roger Woods, Karen Rafferty, Julian Murphy, Paul Hermon, 2014
Calvin: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides For The Perplexed)
Paul Helm, 2008
Bestimmung der kritischen Druckgrenze bei der Zündung von reinem Acetylen durch Detonationen in Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Gemischen. Über den Verlauf von Acetylen-Explosionen in Gefäßen mit größerem Durchmesser. Über die Dichte von flüssigem Acetylen
Dr. phil. habil. Paul Hölemann, Ing. Rolf Hasselmann (auth.), 1964
Batman Arkham City #3
Paul Dini, 2011
Medical device materials II : proceedings from the Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference 2004, August 25-27, 2004, St. Paul Minnesota
Michael Nevin Helmus; Dana Medlin; ASM International, 2005
Biology of Breeding Poultry (Poultry Science Symposium Series)
Paul M. Hocking, 2009
A Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia
Paul Mongan MD, Sulpicio G Soriano III, Tod B Sloan, Glenn P. Gravlee MD, 2013