نتایج جستجو

فصل علم و خیال: شماره ویژه یکصدمین زادروز آیزاک آسیموف، دی ماه 1398
محمد علیزاده عطار, سعید سیمرغ, آیزاک آسیموف, مهرداد تویسرکانی, آرش مجلسی, 1398
The Poetry and Music of Science: Comparing Creativity in Science and Art
Tom McLeish, 2019
متن تيجان الدراري في علم التوحيد باللغة السندوية
أغي شعريال عبد الله, 2018
The Visible Woman: Imaging Technologies, Gerder, and Science: Imaging Technologies, Gender, and Science
Paula Treichler (editor), Lisa Cartwright (editor), Constance Penley (editor), 1998
Science and Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology
Sandra Harding; Robert Figueroa, 2003
Doing Science + Culture : How cultural and interdisciplinary studies are changing the way we look at science and medicine
Roddey Reid and Sharon Traweek, 2000
História da Ciência - A Ciência e o Triunfo do Pensamento Científico no Mundo Contemporâneo
Carlos Augusto de Proença Rosa, 2012
História da Ciência - O Pensamento Científico e a Ciência no Século XIX
Carlos Augusto de Proença Rosa, 2012
História da Ciência - A Ciência Moderna
Carlos Augusto de Proença Rosa, 2012
On the Fringe: Where Science Meets Pseudoscience
Michael D. Gordin, 2021
An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith: Kitab Mar'rifat Anwa' 'Ilm Al-Hadith
Ibn Al-Salah Al-Shahrazuri; Eerik Dickinson, 2006
Mind in Science: A History of Explanations in Psychology And Physics (Penguin Press Science)
Richard L Gregory, 1993
Science and moral imagination a new ideal for values in science
Matthew J. Brown, 2020
On the Fringe: Where Science Meets Pseudoscience
Michael D. Gordin, 2021![Руководство по наукометрии: индикаторы развития науки и технологии : [монография]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/14/1477376-n.jpg)
Руководство по наукометрии: индикаторы развития науки и технологии : [монография]
М. А. Акоев, В. А. Маркусова, О. В. Москалева, В. В. Писляков
Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science
Michael Ruse, 2010
اندیشه های کوانتومی مولانا: "پیوند علم و عرفان"
محسن فرشاد, 1384
骗局、神话与奥秘: 考古学中的科学与伪科学
费德 著,陈淳 译, 2010