نتایج جستجو

Reservoir Engineering Handbook, Third Edition
Tarek Ahmed PhD PE, 2006
Reservoir Engineering Handbook, Third Edition
Tarek AhmedPhDPE, 2006
The Most Shameful Practice: Temple Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World (PhD Diss. UCLA)
Rebecca Anne Strong, 1997
Basics of PET Imaging: Physics, Chemistry, and Regulations
Gopal B. Saha PhD (auth.), 2005
Basics of PET Imaging: Physics, Chemistry, and Regulations
Gopal B. Saha, PhD (auth.), 2016
Physical medicine and rehabilitation : principles and practice
Joel A. DeLisa MDMS, Bruce M. Gans MD, William L. Bockenek MD, Prof. Walter R. Frontera MDPhD, Lynn H. Gerber MD, Steve R. Geiringer MD, William S. Pease MD, Lawrence R. Robinson MD, Jay Smith MD, Todd P. Stitik MD, Ross D. Zafonte DO, 2005
Achieving Excellence in Medical Education
Associate Professor Richard B. Gunderman MD, PhD, MPH (auth.), 2006
Achieving Service Excellence, Second Edition (Ache Management)
Myron D. Fottler, PhD, Robert C. Ford, Cherrill P. Heaton, 2009
Functional Studies Using NMR
V. Ralph McCready (auth.), V. Ralph McCready MSc, MRCP, FRCR, Martin Leach MSc, PhD, Peter J. Ell MD, MSc, PD, MRCP, FRCR (eds.), 1987
Atlas of Confocal Laser Scanning In-vivo Microscopy in Ophthalmology: Principles and Applications in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ophthalmology
Prof.Dr. med. Rudolf F. Guthoff, Christophe Baudouin MD, Phd, Prof.Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Stave (auth.), 2006
Color Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology
Joan Dziezyc, DVM, Diplomate ACVO, and Nicholas J. Millichamp, BVetMed, PhD, DVOphthal, DECVO, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVO (Auth.), 2004
Diagnostic Atlas of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Keith C. Barnett OBEMAPhDBScDVOphthalFRCVSDipECVO, 2006
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Flash Cards: Physiology
Robin R Preston PhD, 2014
Transforming Practice through Clinical Education, Professional Supervision and Mentoring
Miranda Rose, BAppSc(Speech Pathology) GradDip(Communication Disorders) GradDip(Health Research Methodology) PhD, and Dawn Best, DipPhysio MEd (Eds.)
Transforming Practice through Clinical Education, Professional Supervision and Mentoring
Miranda Rose, BAppSc(Speech Pathology) GradDip(Communication Disorders) GradDip(Health Research Methodology) PhD, and Dawn Best, DipPhysio MEd (Eds.), 2005
When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism
Martin Antony PhD, Richard Swinson MDFRCPCFRCP, 2009
Design Representation
Penny Yates (auth.), Gabriela Goldschmidt M.Arch, William L. Porter PhD, FAIA (eds.), 2004
Industrial Metrology: Surfaces and Roundness
Graham T. Smith MPhil (Brunel), PhD (Birmingham), CEng, FIMechE, FIEE (auth.), 2002
Molecular Machines in Biology: Workshop of the Cell
Joachim Frank PhD, 2011
Mastering Pascal and Delphi Programming
William Buchanan BSc, CEng, PhD (auth.), 1998
Integrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleep
Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD, RN, FAAN (auth.), Linda Chlan, Marshall I. Hertz (eds.), 2012
Integrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleep
Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD, RN, FAAN (auth.), Linda Chlan, Marshall I. Hertz (eds.), 2012
Membrane Transporters: Methods and Protocols
Qing Yan (auth.), Qing Yan MD, PhD (eds.), 2003