نتایج جستجو

Supernovae as Distance Indicators: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics September 27–28,1984
Allan Sandagel, G. A. Tammann (auth.), Norbert Bartel (eds.), 1985
Stochastic Processes in Classical and Quantum Systems: Proceedings of the 1st Ascona-Como International Conference, Held in Ascona, Ticino (Switzerland), June 24–29, 1985
Sergio Albeverio, Raphael Høegh-Krohn (auth.), S. Albeverio, G. Casati, D. Merlini (eds.), 1986
Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of Nuclear Dynamics: Invited Lectures of the 1986 International Summer School, Held at Poiana Brasov, Romania, September 1–13, 1986
Abraham Klein (auth.), A. A. Raduta (eds.), 1987
Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications: Proceedings of the International School on Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications Held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, October 20 – November 8, 1986
O. K. Andersen, O. Jepsen, M. Sob (auth.), M. Yussouff (eds.), 1987
Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications I: Fundamental Phenomena
Peter Günter, Jean-Pierre Huignard (auth.), Professor Dr. Peter Günter, Dr. Jean-Pierre Huignard (eds.), 1988
Measures of Complexity: Proceedings of the Conference, Held in Rome September 30 – October 2, 1987
Peter Grassberger (auth.), L. Peliti, A. Vulpiani (eds.), 1988
Infrared Extinction and Standardization: Proceedings of two Sessions of IAU Commissions 25 and 9 Held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 4, 1988
E. F. Milone (auth.), E. F. Milone (eds.), 1989
Problems Involving Change of Type: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Stuttgart, FRG, October 11–14,1988
J. M. Ball (auth.), K. Kirchgässner (eds.), 1990
Perspectives on Photon Interactions with Hadrons and Nuclei: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Göttingen, FRG on 20 and 21 February 1990
G. Piller, W. Weise (auth.), Martin Schumacher, Gabriel Tamas (eds.), 1990
Quantum Aspects of Optical Communications: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the CNRS, Paris, France 26–28 November 1990
Masanao Ozawa (auth.), Cherif Bendjaballah, Osamu Hirota, Serge Reynaud (eds.), 1991
Hydrogen in Intermetallic Compunds II: Surface and Dynamic Properties, Applications
Louis Schlapbach (auth.), Prof. Dr. Louis Schlapbach (eds.), 1992
Recent Aspects of Quantum Fields: Proceedings of the XXX Int. Universitätswochen für Kernphysik, Schladming, Austria February and March 1991
H. Leutwyler (auth.), H. Mitter, H. Gausterer (eds.), 1991
Tunable Lasers
Dr. Linn F. Mollenauer, Dr. Jonathan C. White (auth.), Dr. Linn F. Mollenauer, Dr. Jonathan C. White, Professor Clifford R. Pollock Ph.D. (eds.), 1992
Europas Außenbeziehungen und die Zukunft der Entwicklungspolitik
Stefan Brüne (auth.), 2005
Tables of Excitations from Reactions with Charged Particles. Part 2: Z = 37 - 62
S. I. Sukhoruchkin, Z. N. Soroko (auth.), H. Schopper (eds.), 2007
Inorganic Radicals, Metal Complexes and Nonconjugated Carbon Centered Radicals. Part 2
H. Fischer (auth.), H. Fischer (eds.), 2006
Laser Fundamentals. Part 2
H. Weber, G. Herziger, R. Poprawe (auth.), H. Weber, G. Herziger, R. Poprawe (eds.), 2006
Tables of Excitations from Reactions with Charged Particles. Part 3: Z = 63 - 99
S. I. Sukhoruchkin, Z. N. Soroko (auth.), H. Schopper (eds.), 2007
New Data and Updates for several Semiconductors with Chalcopyrite Structure, for several II-VI Compounds and diluted magnetic IV-VI Compounds
U. Rössler (auth.), U. Rössler (eds.), 2013
Organisation und Devianz: Eine empirische Fallrekonstruktion der Havarie der Costa Concordia
Anna Culjak (auth.), 2015
Inleiding gerontologie en geriatrie
E. Beekink, J. Gierveld, B. Meyboom-de Jong (auth.), Dr. F. Eulderink, Dr. T. J. Heeren, Dr. D. L. Knook, Dr. G. J. Ligthart (eds.), 2004
Menswetenschappen in de verpleegkundige beroepsuitoefening
drs. H.M. de Vocht, drs. J.H.J. de Jong (auth.), 1999
Hoe gaat het met de jeugd van tegenwoordig?: Congresbundel pubertijd
Rita Kohnstamm, Arjan Dieleman, Peter Nikken, Justine Pardoen, Remco Pijpers, Ger J. Tillekens (auth.), 2010
Mediation als alternatief: Bemiddeling door hulp- en dienstverleners
Bert la Poutré, Michael Boelrijk (auth.), 2010